
Module 8 Time off 词汇运用(含解析)外研版八年级下册英语题型专项集训

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:37324Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 8 Time off 词汇运用(含解析)外研版八年级下册英语题型专项集训 1.She didn’t pass the exam, because she w a lot of time playing computer games last term. 2.They are walking along the (小路). 3.I really like the (形状) of this piece of chocolate. It is a star. 4. It’s about three (千米) from the school to the park. 5.Mary is very busy, so she h (几乎没)has free time to go to the movies. 6.Don’t push the door. P (拉) it, instead. 7.Please w (唤醒) me up earlier, Mum. 8.I don’t think I can get to the t (顶端) of the mountain. 9.I’m very t (渴的), so I want to drink some water. 10.Remember to write your names at the t (顶端) of the page. 11.It’s so q (安静的) without the kids here, making me feel like sleeping. 12.Drink whenever you feel t (渴的) during exercise. 13.I h (几乎不) drink coffee. I think water is the best. 14.Welcome to Foshan! Foshan is a beautiful city with great and it attracts a number of tourists every year. 15.After the race, the sportsman was so that he drank lots of water in one go. 16.The man thinks holidays are a(n) (浪费) of time and money. 17.They are discussing how to use the (废品) in a right way. 18.Don’t w (浪费) food. You should eat up the food on the plate. 19.In my opinion, playing too many computer games is a of our valuable time. 20.Robots have many advantages over when doing some dangerous jobs. 21.Canada, the second largest country in the world, covers an area of about 10 million square . 22.When is in trouble, we shouldn’t refuse to give a helping hand. 23.If all of us can together, there must be something we can do to improve the environment. 24.丹尼尔不知道和谁讨论这个剧本。 Daniel didn’t know the play. 25.The firefighter always says, “I am a servant of the people.” (改为宾语从句) The firefighter always says he a servant of the people. 26.我妈妈要我不要制造噪音。 My mother asked me not to . 27.昨天晚上有响声吵醒了我们所有人。 Last night, a noise all of us . 28.昨天晚上他答应和我一起去看电影。 Last night he to the movies with me. 29.We’ll enjoy ourselves during the holiday. (同义句转换) We’ll during the holiday. 30.The river is about 4 kilometres wide. (对画线部分提问) is the river 31.杰克是我们班个子第二高的男孩。 Jack is boy in our class. 32.在山顶上,即使在夏天也很冷。 the mountain, it’s very cold even in summer. 33.He said, “I’m afraid to go there.”(改为宾语从句) He said afraid to go there. 34.刚才我听到我哥哥正在他的房间里唱歌。 Just now I my brother in his room. 35.让我们别浪费时间做这种事情了。 Let’s our time to do such things. 36.我爸爸不允许我独自去游泳。 My father doesn’t swimming alone. 37.我确信你能通过驾照考试。 I you can pass the driving test. 38.这家饭店因它美味的北京烤鸭而闻名。 The restaurant is its delicious Beijing Roast Duck. 39.把垃圾扔进河里会引起许多问题。 will cause a lot of problems. 40.我们都希望将来有更多的大熊猫。 We all hope that in the future a lot more pandas. 41.think, be, I, a, holiday, it, will, for, don’t, me . 42 ... ...

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