ID: 20219051


日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:42次 大小:114519B 来源:二一课件通
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期末必考题型之读后续写 10 篇 1 .(2022 上·江苏南通·高一江苏省如皋中学校考期末)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两 段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Devin opened his closet door for the third time and pulled out his shoes. “Mom, have you seen my baseball glove ” he called. “I’ve looked everywhere. When was the last time you had it ” Mom asked. “Yesterday,” Devin said. “I was playing catch with Silvio after his birthday party.” “I hope you didn’t leave it there,” Mom said. Devin’s cousin, Silvio, lived 45 minutes away. Mom pulled out her phone and texted Uncle Gabe. Devin still kneeled on the floor and checked under his bed. Within a minute, Mom’s phone received a message from Uncle Gabe, saying Devin’s baseball glove was there. Devin shook his head. “I have a game in an hour! Dad’s a lefty (左撇子), so I can’t borrow his glove.” “Use mine,” said Mom. “But it’s a softball glove and pink,” said Devin doubtfully. But Mom said there was not much difference and that her team won the city championship with their pink gloves last summer. “People will think it’s a girl’s,” said Devin. “Some of the best players on your team are girls,” Mom said. She handed Devin her glove. He tried it on. “Top of the line,” Mom said. “I had the fewest errors of any infielder (内野手) in the league.” Devin nodded. Both of his parents were excellent athletes, and he was too. He snapped the glove open and shut, open and shut, thinking, “I guess this glove will do.” Then Mom drove Devin to the field. She told Devin that Dad would meet them there and she reminded Devin not to forget her pink glove. Before the game, Devin practiced pitching ( 投球) deep into the center field. He hit several more pitches before the coach told him to warm up at the base. His teammates noticed his glove. “Isn’t that a girl’s glove ” Jordan, one of his teammates, asked. Devin frowned. “It’s my mom’s. I don’t have mine.” “Pink glove! Pink glove!” several other boys also laughed. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph1: Jordan joked about the colour being beautiful and laughed. _____ _____ _____ _____ Paragraph 2: The game was over, and Devin met his parents outside the field. _____ ( 【答案】 Jordan joked about the colour being beautiful and laughed. Devin smiled back, feeling embarrassed. The game soon started. Devin quickly forgot the pink glove and focused on the game. He fielded every ball that came his way. Devin’s determination, teamwork skills and outstanding capabilities convince d everyone that he was an excellent athlete. His teammates also performed very well. After much hard work they finally won. They were all very delighted. “We have to admit that pink glove is really amazing,” Jordan said. Devin smiled again, proud and confident. The game was over , and Devin met his parents outside the field . “ You won the game with the pink glove ,” Mom said with a smile. Dev in’s face went red ... ...

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