ID: 20225905

Unit 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件-牛津译林版(2020)选修第一册

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:37次 大小:53524850B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) B8U1 Our living planet Welcome to the unit What are the commonly recognized seven natural wonders of the world Discussion Mount Everest (located along China-Nepal border) Paricutin Volcano (帕里库汀火山,in Mexico) the Grand Canyon (in the United Sates) Victoria Falls (along the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe) The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro (里约热内卢港,in Brazil) Great Barrier Reef (in Australia) Northern Lights (北极光,seen in several countries such as the USA, Canada, etc.) Mount Everest (located along China-Nepal border) Paricutin Volcano (in Mexico) the Grand Canyon (in the United Sates) Victoria Falls (along the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe) The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro (in Brazil) Great Barrier Reef (in Australia) Northern Lights movements minerals Australia Look at the pictures and tell what you know about them. Zhangye UNESCO Global Geopark 张掖世界地质公园 Location: in Zhangye UNESCO Global Geopark, China Features: multicoloured folds of rocks Causes: which are caused by of the Earth’s plates and carved by winds and rain. movements Pamukkale in Turkey 土耳其棉花堡 Location: Pamukkale, Turkey Features: the “cotton candy” landscape, a waterful of rock Causes: resulting from left by flowing water. minerals Lake Hillier 希利尔湖 Location: Lake Hiller, . Features: the soft pink of its still waters Causes: which is believed to be caused by a microorganism. Austrilia In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous. - Aristotle 自然界包罗万象,蕴藏着奇妙之处。 ———亚里士多德 B8U 1 Our living planet Reading The ocean is full of magic and mystery. What do you know about the world beneath the ocean The ocean covers around 71% of the surface of our planet. Only a small percentage of the ocean below the surface has been explored and charted. However, the parts that we have explored contain interesting finds. We have found the blue whale, which is the largest known living animal on the Earth. We have also found a 65,000-kilometre-long mountain range beneath the ocean, which is the world’s longest. There are also many spectacular underwater volcanoes. The ocean was divided into different zones based on depth from the surface for ease of studies. What are the different zones 200 meters The open ocean/Sunlight zone (透光区) Sunlight rarely penetrates(穿透) beyond this zone. Twilight zone(暮光区) Sunlight decreases rapidly with depth. The deep ocean(深海区) Sunlight does not penetrate at all. Would you dive to the ocean bottom if you had the chance Why or why not Now let's read a documentary transcript to learn more about the amazing world beneath the ocean. a text document that the video file and its oral content are converted into Read and finish the tasks as quickly as possible. Task 1 Much of the known marine life lives in the open ocean, and small filter feeders and hunters live in the twilight zone. The deep ocean is home to the strangest creatures on the ... ...

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