
备战2024年中考英语语法 Chapter 9 简单句&并列句 笔记(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:229934Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    chapter 9 简单句&并列句 笔记 ·模块一 定义 ·模块二 简单句的否定形式 ·模块三 简单句的特殊疑问句形式 ·模块四 简单句的否定疑问句形式 ·模块五 简单句的反义疑问句形式 ·模块六 简单句中的祈使句 ·模块七 简单句中的感叹句 ·模块八 并列句的常见考点分析 ·模块九 2022、2023年全国各省市真题综合训练45题 由一套主谓结构构成的句子叫简单句。简单句分为4类:陈述句,疑问句,祈使句,感叹句。 全部否定:neither, neither…nor, none, nothing, nobody, no one 两者之间用neither of, neither…nor 他们两人没人懂英语。 Neither of them speaks English. 玛丽和约翰都不住在这里。 Neither Mary nor John is here. 三者及以上用none of, nothing, nobody, no one 这些答案没有一个是对的。 None of the answers is right. 没有人同意你所说的。 No one/Nobody agrees with you. 部分否定:both, all, many, every…not 他们两人不都去开会。 Not both of them will attend the meeting. 闪光的未必都是金子。 All that glitters is not gold. 使用否定副词表示否定,否定副词有:rarely, hardly, nearly, few, little, seldom, scarcely, never 我从来都不喜欢看《生活大爆炸》。 I never like to watch The Big Bang Theory. 他几乎不会说英语。 He hardly speaks English. 否定转移,常常与believe, expect, imagine, suppose, think连用 我们相信他做不到。 We don’t believe that he can do it.(详见宾语从句中相关语法解析) who, whose为句首作主语,本身已经是陈述句语序了。 Who is in the classroom Whose father works in Beijing 含有插入语的特殊疑问句的结构。 特殊疑问词+do you think/do you suppose/do you say+陈述句 When do you think he will come (他会来) 你刚提到他是做什么工作的? What job did you mention he does 回答永远是以事实为依据,肯定yes, 否定no 她不是个医生吗?Isn't she a doctor 不,她是。Yes, she is. 回答原则:和否定疑问句一样,根据事实回答。 You are a boy, aren't you Yes, I am. ___不,我是男孩。_____ No, I am not. ___是的,我不是男孩_____ 提问原则:前肯后否、前否后肯。 Your mom hates Rock and Roll music, doesn’t she 含有have的动词反义疑问 have的反义疑问用法 解释为“有”时,反义疑问中用have/do的各类形式都可以 You have a car,don’t you/haven’t you 解释为“非有”,例如吃饭,喝水,遭受到,那必须用do/did等形式 She had her watch stolen, didn’t she had better的反义疑问用法 You had better take off your shoes, hadn’t you There be句型的反义疑问用法 There won’t be any trouble, will there used to的反义疑问句 He used to live in London, usedn’t he (英式) He used to live in LA, didn’t he (美式) never, hardly, seldom, few, little在句中出现表达的是否定含义,反义疑问要用肯定形式 He has few buddies on QQ, does he/has he something, anything, everything, nothing, this, that, 动名词以及不定式作主语时,反义疑问句中的代词使用it;everybody, nobody等做主语,代词使用they Getting up early is important,isn’t it Everybody likes Raymond, don’t they these, those做主语时,反义疑问句中的代词使用they These are not books, are they 我愿意wish句型,反义疑问句用may I wish to go home now,may I I don’t think/believe/expect否定转移的反义疑问,跟从句走 I don’t think he can finish the work,can he You don’t think/He doesn’t believe/They don’t expect仍然遵循前否 ... ...

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