
2024年人教版七年级下册期末备战任务型阅读专练(含解析 2份打包)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:15次 大小:127515Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2024年人教版七年级下册期末备战任务型阅读专练 (4). 题号 一 二 总分 得分 一、任务型阅读-阅读文章,回答问题 22. Someone gives you a marshmallow(棉花糖). You can either eat it right away or wait for 15 to 20 minutes and get two. Would you wait This is the famous "marshmallow test" from the 1960s. It is used to see how much self-control(自控力) children have. Surprisingly, a study shows that cuttlefish(乌贼) can do well in this test, too. Scientists at the University of Cambridge did the study. They have two boxes of food for the cuttlefish. One has grass shrimp(藻虾) and another has shore crab(食草蟹). Cuttlefish like to eat grass shrimp more than shore crab. They could eat the shore crab right away, but needed to wait to eat their better-liked meal. It turned out that the cuttlefish would wait for 50 to 130 seconds for grass shrimp. "This is quite clever," researcher Nicola Clayton said. "Self-control needs an understanding of that less is sometimes more," she said. Scientists guess that they have self-control because they often wait for predators(捕食者) to leave before they can look for food themselves. (1) When did the "marshmallow test" come out It came out _____. (2) What is the "marshmallow test" for It is to _____. (3) What does the underlined part "their better-liked meal" in Paragraph 3 refer to It refers to _____. (4) According to the scientists, why do cuttlefish have self-control Because they often _____ predators to leave. (5) What do you think of cuttlefish after reading the passage I think they _____ 23. Do you like seeing photos of cute pets on Weibo or Douyin These pets can be cats, dogs, birds, and pigs. They are big stars. Brother Cream: He gets lost on July 10th, 2012. Someone finds him after 26 days. Then from morning to night, she stays at a store in a bus station. He is very popular in Hong Kong. Grumpy: She always looks like that she is not happy. This makes her famous on the Internet. In fact, she is happy and she likes playing with toys. Is your pet cute, smart or lazy All of your photos must have a similar theme(相似主题). For example, if your pet is free-spirited(自由奔放的) and loves nature(大自然), don t post photos like this: "My cat is in a quiet room, eating delicious cat food and sleeping." You can post photos like this: "I m Little Monkey. I like free life. I like running and I love nature." If you also want your pet to be famous, you can do like this: First, start an account(账号) on Weibo or Douyin and write your pet s "name". Second, post(发布) photos on the Internet as often as you can. It s best to do it every day. You can also write something to your photos. That way, people can find your account easily. However, you must love taking photos of your pet. Remember to be happy. If not, do not have to do it! (1) When does Brother Cream get lost (不超过5个词)_____ (2) Why is Grumpy famous on the Internet (不超过10个词) _____ (3) What can you do if you want your pet to be famous according to the passage (不超过15个 ... ...

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