
北师大版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:86次 大小:102513594Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps PART ONE Lesson 2 Apps Period 1 Activity 1: Brainstorm What apps do you often use What do you use them for to book tickets to book accommodation to order food to find directions to learn a language to check the weather to look for popular restaurants to subscribe the newspapers and magazines Activity 2 Listen and find out Why are apps so popular Activity 3 Listen and complete Educational apps are _____. powerful Activity 3 Listen and complete Educational apps are becoming increasingly powerful. For example, some apps allow students to_____ according to their_____; they also ensure that students can all _____even when _____. choose their online teachers and subjects personal interests and needs enjoy the same learning materials they are not sitting in the same classroom Activity 4 Finding out what people need and solving real-world problems. VR, AR and MR Listen and find out difficulties for developing an app the latest technologies used in apps Activity 5 Listen and draw a mind map Give a talk on apps based on the mind map 4 Group Work Answer the questions using the information in Activity 3 to help you 1 What are some general functions of apps 2 What can students do with educational apps 3 According to Li Xing, what are the difficulties in developing an app 4.lf you are able to develop an app to solve a real-world problem, what problem would you like to solve And how Activity 6 Work in groups & design your own app -1 poster maker -2 idea providers -1 speaker Be creative!! New Product Launch 新品发布会 PART TWO Lesson 2 Apps Period 2 Revision What can students do when they use educational apps What are the difficulties in developing an app What are the latest technologies used in apps Asking for & Offering help Activity 1: Conversation 1 Listen and find What help does Dad ask for He wants to know how to set up an account. Activity 1: Conversation 1 Key steps to solve Dad’s problem First , _____ _____ The last step is to _____ press “Sign Up” button Put in name, sex, telephone number and email address press “ Finish” button Activity 2: Conversation 2 Listen and find What problem does Barbara have She hasn’t received her order. Activity 2: Conversation 2 Key steps Chris takes to help First, ask her for _____ _____ Enquire about the order_____ _____ the order number Confirm her name with the delivery man Call her back Activity 3: Listen and complete Can you help me out I can’t figure out how to Can you do me a favour Would you be able to Activity 4: Listen and complete Do you need my help I can help you How may I Let me Can I assist you with Activity 4: Formal or Informal Pick out the expressions that are formal / informal from the conversations. Activity 5: Role-play Work in a group of 4. Each picks a role. Pair up and make a dialogue. Remember to use the expressions properly! Activity 5: Role-play The password of your account is wron ... ...

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