
【原创精优公开课】Unit 5 My clothes PA let's spell课件+单元整体教案+动画素材(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:67次 大小:126701220Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) My clothes 人教PEP 四年级下册 PA Let's spell Unit 5 核 心 素 养 目 标 学习字母组合le在单词词尾的模糊发音/l/发音规则, 能正确拼读认读代表单词apple, table, people 并能根据发音规则拼读单词等等。 学习能力目标 了解英语的发音规律,能掌握字母组合le在单词词尾的模糊发音/l/。培养学生根据英语发音习惯, 见词能读, 听音会写的能力。 思维能力目标 通过游戏和小组合作等活动,学会与他人合作学习的能力并体会不同的语言魅力,促进心智发展。 文化品格目标 fork horse or or Read and find 字母组合or在重读音节中的发音通常读长元音/ :/ or —/ :/ Let’s review Read and find 字母组合or在在辅音字母w后面发/ / or —/ / world map homework or or Let’s review Magic phonic! 看一看, 读一读, 找出含le的单词 Lead in What we will learn today le Many people come to the farm today. le people What are they doing at the farm They’re picking apples. Enjoy a story apple le le Now there is a big red apple on my table. Enjoy a story le table le Read and find apple people table le Read and find apple people table le —/l/ 发音要点:发音时双唇略张,牙齿自然张开,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,舌前部抬起,气流从舌的两侧泄出,声带震动发音。 le —/l/ Presentation le —/l/ a pp le apple t a ble table p eo ple people ple peo people ble ta table pple a apple Listen and spell. 听音拼出单词 1 2 3 table apple people Practice The people see the apple. The people see the table. The table is big. The apple is little. The little apple on the big table. le —/l/ The _____ see the _____. The _____ see the _____. people apple people table Practice The _____ is big. The _____ is little. The little _____ on the big _____. table apple apple table Practice Role-play 0 小组合作朗读 小组合作表演 整齐流利地表演 Read, underline and listen. 1. a little bike 2. Uncle Dan 3. a green apple 4. nice people 5. a big table Look, listen and write. _____. ____ . _____. 书写时注意:书写时要严格按照字母的笔顺和单词在四线格中应占的位置书写。书写单词时,字母与字母之间的间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离得太远. 英语书写 _____. A heavy turtle Enjoy a story. Mr. Smile is a turtle. Enjoy a story. Mr. Smile finds a table. Enjoy a story. Mr. Smile carries the table. Mr. Smile finds two apples. Enjoy a story. Mr. Smile carries the table and two apples. Mr. Smile finds a bottle. Enjoy a story. Mr. Smile carries the table,two apples and a bottle. Peple smile and smile. Oh, what a heavy turtle! Enjoy a story. Think and say 词汇 (拼写, 意思, ) 句型 ... ... Let’s say Summary 学习词汇:学习字母组合le的模糊发音 /l/及助记单词apple, table, people 学习Let’s chant: 在节奏中巩固发音规律。 1. 听录音跟读let's spell 部分单词和句子。 2. 抄写本节课3个单词,每个一行。 3. 尝试写出更多词尾le结构发音的单词。 4. 教你的家人说chant 5. 完成配套练习 Homework https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教PEP四年级下册Unit 5 My clothes 单元整体设计 新课标 第一部分 单元教学设计总思路 学情分析 本本单元是人教版英语(三年级起点)四年级下册第五单元,本单元的学习主题是衣物,主要学习各类 ... ...

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