
北师大版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 2 Greening the Desert课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:12次 大小:7498303Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 1._____ v. 创办;建造 _____ n. 创建,创办 adj. 创办的_____ n.创立者,缔造者 ——— n. 基础;基金会;建立 _____ 为…打下(牢固的)基础 2._____ v.n. 利润 获利 _____ adj.有利可图的 _____ adj. 非营利的 3._____ n. 组织者/人 _____ n. 组织;团体 _____ n.有机组织;有机体系 _____adj.有条理的 有组织的 4. _____ adj.满足的 满意的 _____ 惬意的微笑 _____过着令人满意的生活 found founding founder foundation lay/make the (firm) foundation for... profit profitable non-profit organiser organisation/organization organism organized contented a contented smile have a satisfying life/ have a contented life 5. _____ 发生;出现;(想法)产生 (pt. pp.)_____ 发生;出现;(想法)产生 某人突然想到做某事 _____ _____ n.发生的事情;存在的事物 6._____ n. 农业 _____ n. 工业,生产制造 _____ adj. 与农业有关的;务农的,农用的 _____ adj. 工业的;工业发达的;用于工业的; 7._____ n.提议;提案;求婚 _____ v.求婚;提出;提议;建议 提出建议 (做......) _____ 8. 渺茫的机会 _____ 9._____ v .生存;存活;幸免于难 _____ n. 存活;残存物 _____n. 幸存者,生还者,幸存物;挺过困难者; _____ 幸运躲过漩涡/暴风雨 occur / happen occurred occurred it occurs to sb to do sth / it occurs to sb that... occurrence agriculture industry agricultural industrial proposal propose make a proposal to do ...= propose to do ... a slim chance survive survival survivor survive the whirlpool /the storm 10. _____ n. 速度,速率;比率,率 _____存活率 11. _____ v. 克服,解决;征服,战胜;使受不了 (pt. pp.)_____ 克服这个问题/困难 _____ 非常悲伤 _____ rate survival rate overcame overcome overcome overcome the problem / difficulty be overcome with sadness / sorrow showing or feeling happiness or satisfaction the act of being still alive for some time a plan or suggestion a stone at the head of a grave Match words with definitions headstone n. survival n. proposal n. contented adj. 名词后缀 -(e)r 选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。 1. The boy put up _____ of his favorite movie stars on his bedroom walls. 2. The author agrees that _____ are born with a gift for music. 3. These sports attract few _____, and the ratings (收视率) are unusually low. (2012 广东) 4. The experiment was to show how heating a _____ of water would bring air bubbling to the surface.(2020 江苏) 5. Jack Ma, the _____ of Alibaba, makes great innovations in people’s way of shopping. 6. A good _____ should be able to play to individuals’ strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses.(2011 浙江) posters view, post, organise, found, compose, contain composers viewers container founder organiser 名词后缀 -(e)r 可构成表示身份的名词,此时,后缀 -(e)r 表示动作的实施者;也可构成表示物体的名词,此时,后缀 -(e)r 表示与某事物有关的物品或能做某事的物品。 People are greening the desert! She is among them! Unit 8 Green Living Greening the Desert Pre-listening: Dr. Chen Lan is going to give a talk on a tree-planting pioneer. Predict the content of the talk according to the poster. What Why Who Why plantin ... ...

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