
Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish (l)课件(共20张PPT)2023-2024学年冀教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:87次 大小:37222298Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish (l) Have you ever acted in a class or school play Have you read the story The fisherman and his wife lived in an old house. n. 渔夫 n. 妻子 The fisherman used his net to catch a goldfish. n. 金鱼 n. 网;网络 The fisherman's wife has grey hair. They have been married for many years. adj. & n. 灰色(的) married adj.已婚的 marry v.结婚 The goldfish said:” I will give you whatever you want.” pron.无论什么,不管什么;任何事物 The wife said, “Our house is so old.” ours pron.我们的 goldfish wife net whatever grey marry ours n. 金鱼 n. 妻子 n. 网;网络 pron. 无论什么;不管什么; 任何(每样)事物 adj. & n. 灰色(的) v. 结婚;嫁;娶 pron. 我们的 wife-wives marry sb. =our+n. What do you know about the story 1.The fisherman caught a talking fish.( ) 2.The wife wanted the fisherman to ask for a new house. ( ) 3.The fisherman’s wife became the queen of the sea at last. ( ) T T F Watch the video and write (T) or (F). Read the lesson and number the sentences in the correct order. The fisherman told his wife about catching a goldfish. A poor fisherman with a hat went out fishing. The wife wanted the fisherman to ask for a new house. The fisherman let the talking fish go. The fisherman caught a talking fish. 4 1 5 3 2 1 1. How is the fisherman and the wife's life They lead a poor life. 2. What will the goldfish give to the fisherman if it wants to swim back into the sea It will give him whatever he wants. 3. What does the wife wish for She wishes for a new house. Read the lesson and answer the questions. Read aloud and find out the unknown words! Find out the following phrases in the conversation. 过……的生活 抽出;拉出 打开 从……中跳出来 回到;返回 lead a ..life pull out open up jump out of go back to 游回到…… 在桌旁 希望得到,想要 要求 swim back into… at the table wish for ask for Let’s fill in the banks and try to retell it. A poor fisherman with a hat went out fishing. He _____ his net and _____ it ___. A goldfish _____ the net. The goldfish wanted to _____the sea. It would give the fisherman _____ he wanted. But the fisherman _____ nothing and _____. The wife _____ the fisherman. She _____ a new house. And the fisherman would _____ a new one. pulled out opened up jumped out of go back to whatever asked for let it go was angry with wished for ask for Complete the dialogue with the words or phrases in the box. A: This is a magic box. You can find _____ you want in it. B: Really Can I ____ it ___ now A: Sure. What do you _____ B: I wish a little dog would _____ out of the box. A: No problem. Wait and see! It’s time to witness a miracle. whatever whatever wish for open … up jump open up wish for jump Director: Brian Script: Steven, Jenny and Kim Characters: Fisherman — Danny, Fisherman’s Wife — Jenny, Goldfish — Kim Sound & Set: Brian, Kate and Danny Costumes: Kate and Steven Scene 1: On the Sea wearing a hat, lead a poor life, pulls out, opens it ... ...

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