
北师大版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 2 Greening the Desert(共29张PPT 内嵌音频)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:14756334Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 2 Greening the Desert Changes taking place in deserts This is a vast area of desert in inner Mongolia. You must notice some changes. Yes, we are amazed to find there are many green trees, full of vitality(生命力). Pre-listening Experience and innovation创新 in North China are helping to solve a global problem. After more than three decades of effort and innovation, the process of desertification沙漠化 has been reversed逆转 in about one-third of the Kubuqi Desert—China’s seventh-largest at 18,600 square kilometers—in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region in the north of the country. (from China Daily) Do you know NPO-Greenlife Have you heard of it What does NPO stand for Today , you are invited to attend a lecture . Roots& Shoots is an International Environmental Education Organization set up by Jane Goodall. Pre-listening What does NPO stand for Who is the founder of NPO What are the aims of NPO What do you think the presenter is going to talk about Read and Predict 1 2 3 P34—1 Look at the poster. Answer the questions. Pre-listening The event is about a public speaking event on environmental protection. The presenter might talk about Yi Jiefang and a non-profit organisation. Years ago, Yi and her family used to work and live in Japan. And her son was studying in a famous university in Japan. She had a contented life. What do you want to know about her and the organization happy and satisfied First listening:listen for general idea. What was the terrible event that changed Yi Jiefang’s life A. Her son died in a road accident B. Her son died in an earthquake C. Her daughter died in a road accident 2. How did Yi Jiefang feel after the accident A. She thought she had a contented life B. Her life seemed to be very happy. C. Her life seemed to lose all meaning. 3. What made her start NPO-Greenlife A. She wanted to make a profit by planting trees B. She wanted to make his son’s dream come true. C. She wanted to make her dream come true. While-listening 8.3 Listen for details. (8.3) the birth of NPO-Greenlife 1 Ms Yi had a _____ life until a terrible event _____ which _____ her life. 2 Her son died in a _____ and her life seemed to _____. 3 Despite her _____, she _____that her son was quite _____ about the sandstorms and _____in northern China. He wanted to _____there after he _____. 4 Yi decided to make her son’s dream come true . contented occurred changed road accident lose all meaning concerned deserts plant trees sadness remembered graduated Second listening:listen for details. While-listening 8.3 1 Yi contented life terrible (event) changed 2 Her son died road accident her life lose all meaning 3 Despite sadness remembered concerned about desert northern China 4 plant tree (after) graduate 5 Yi decided to come true Retell the birth of NPO-Greenlife according to the notes taken. Listen for details. (8.3) Is it easy to plant trees in desert What difficul ... ...

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