
北师大版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 2 Greening the Desert课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:15953686Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) sandstorm 1 How do you feel about this sandstorm wear masks What can we do to tackle sandstorm To plant more trees… 2 U7 Green Living L2 Greening the Desert 3 4 Look at the poster. What else can you find in this poster NPO a contented/satisfied smile She is planting trees in the desert. What difficulties do you think she might have in tree planting … a shortage of water trees will be blown away a low survival rate of trees 1. What changed Yi Jiefang’s life A. The death of her son in a road accident. B. More charitable activities. C. The establishment of NPO-Greenlife. 2. How did Yi Jiefang feel after the accident A. Contented. B. Sad. C. Concerned. 3. What’s the dream of Yi Jiefang’s son A. To do more charity work. B. To start a charity organisation. C. To green the sandstorms and deserts of northern China. The early days of NPO - Greenlife were not easy. To make her son’s dream true, Yi founded NPO-Greenlife to plant trees in the deserts. 5 Yi Jiefang and her NPO - Greenlife Place the deserts of _____ Proposal plant _____ trees in the region over _____ Difficulties her team had little experience of _____ and the first trees were _____ Changes _____ has gradually started to grow from the _____ soil villagers can even _____ now. the local river is now full of _____ to catch the trees have a survival rate of _____ Tip: Note-taking abbreviations (缩写) symbols yrs = years mln = million org = organization IM = Inner Mongolia gov = government Taking notes (1) Notes are summaries of the most important ideas and details in a presentation. Taking notes can help you understand and remember better. · Listen for the first time. Focus on the general meaning. · Listen again and take notes. Do not write down every single word. Only write the main idea and key words. · Use symbols and abbreviations . Yi Jiefang and her NPO - Greenlife Place the deserts of _____ Proposal plant _____ trees in the region over _____ Difficulties her team had little experience of _____ and the first trees were _____ Changes _____ has gradually started to grow from the _____ soil villagers can even _____ now. the local river is now full of _____ to catch the trees have a survival rate of _____ Inner Mongolia 1,000,000 10 years tree planting blown away grassland sandy grow watermelons fish 85% Where did the money come from grassland sandy soil 8 9 Many deserts have become green lands. 10 Since 2020, Yi Jiefang has led volunteers to start planting trees in Dunhuang. The 2 million trees they planted have a survival rate of more than 85% plant trees in Dunhuang 11 "You are _____. Alive or fallen, you served a purpose. _____, you stood proud against winds and sandstorms; _____, your brightness gave _____ to others." “Let life prosper (让生命繁荣) _____; let greenness last forever(让绿色永驻) _____." a tree Alive fallen light and warmth in greenness in life Headstone of Yi’s son What does the speaker think of Yi ... ...

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