
北师大版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 2 Greening the Desert课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:93次 大小:6396726Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) LESSON 2 GREENING THE DESERT 1. What is the video mainly about 2. Are you a member of the project Why do you join in the project 3. What's the purpose of the project Task1 View and say Task2 Look and Answer 1. What does NPO stand for 2. Who is the founder of NPO Greenlife 3. What are the aims of NPO Greenlife 4. What do you think the presenter is going to talk about NPO stands for a“ non-profit organization”. YiJiefang is the founder of NPO Greenlife. The aims of NPO Greenlife are to turn deserts/dry farmland into forests and help to stop droughts. The presenter is going to talk about YiJiefang and her NPO. Task2 Look and Answer Task1 Word Bank 展示 陈述 介绍 满意的 满足的 发生 出现 担心的 关心的 沙尘暴 沙漠,荒漠;荒凉的地方 Task1 Listen to the first part of the presentation. Answer the questions. 1. What was the terrible event that changed Yi Jiefang’s life 2. How did Yi Jiefang feel after the accident 3. What made her start NPO-Greenlife Her 22-year-old son died in a road accident. She was sad and life seemed to lose all meaning. Her son’s dream. Task2 Word Bank 内蒙古 提议 建议 地区 区域 微小的机会 存活率 Task2 Listen to the second part of the presentation and fill in the blanks. Taking Notes Do not write down every single word. Only write the key words or some abbreviations or symbol. e.g. organization= org plant one million trees = pl 1 百万 tr increase= Task2 Listen to the second part of the presentation and fill in the blanks. The early days of NPO-Greenlife 1_____. Yi Jiefang went to 2 _____ Inner Mongolia and saw 3 _____ with little agriculture. So Yi Jiefang 4 _____ to 5 _____ in the region over 6 _____ and the government agreed. Although the first trees were 7 _____, her team continued planting more trees. Now the trees have 8 _____. were not easy the deserts of vast areas of dry lands proposed plant one million trees ten years blown away a survival rate of 85% In order of time The early days of NPO-Greenlife were not easy. Yi Jiefang went to the desserts of Inner Mongolia and saw vast areas of dry lands with little agriculture. The local government agreed with her proposal to plant one million trees in the region over ten years. However, her team had little experience of tree planting and the first trees were blown away! Although there seemed only a slim chance that the trees could survive, the difficulty did not prevent her from trying. It had always been her policy never to give up. Now the trees have a survival rate of 85%. 1. What helped Yi Jiefang work through her sadness A. To make his son’s dream(to make the desert green) come true. B. To make her dream (to make the desert green) come true C. she was supported by her husband 2. What did Yi Jiefang do in 2013 A. She began a new project to plant more trees in Inner Mongolia. B. She began a new project to plant more trees in Beijing. C. She began her NPO. 3. What changes has NPO-Greenlife brought to the desert ... ...

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