
2023-2024学年牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册 期末复习之完形填空(含解析)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:26次 大小:98170Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期末复习之完形填空10篇 (22-23高一下·江苏南京·期末)The Kingsport carousel (旋转木马) has horses, pigs with wings, and even a dragon. It has laughter 1 any day that is fit for outings. If the Kingsport Carousel sounds 2 , that’s because it is. But the real wonder is how it came to be 3 . It began with a Kingsport resident Gale Joh. Joh was from Binghamton, the “Carousel Capital of the World”, where many carousels 4 his carefree and joyous days of childhood. Kids in Kingsport should know the 5 , he thought. He told the idea to his four friends. They 6 Joh’s enthusiasm. Though none of them were 7 in carpentry (木匠活), they were great problem-solvers. After attending woodcarving classes and 8 a facility as their workshop, the men launched the project. Then, suddenly, Joh passed away accidentally. His 9 wouldn’t die with him. Voluntary artists and mechanics 10 sculpting, painting and carving. Next, they’d need a frame. News of their efforts 11 a local zoo, which donated one quickly. “When there is a 12 , we let our community know it, and a solution will come,” said Bonnie Macdonald, a participant of the project. After seven years, with the help of volunteers and sponsors, the carousel was 13 . A symbol of determination and love, it’s become the happiest place in Kingsport. “Certainly, we’re not the carousel capital,” said Macdonald. “ 14 when it comes to making a carousel, we have all 15 needed right here.” 1.A.crashing B.filling C.depressing D.overthrowing 2.A.magic B.distant C.historic D.precise 3.A.postponed B.published C.built D.permitted 4.A.negated B.damaged C.removed D.witnessed 5.A.dessert B.emphasis C.pleasure D.impression 6.A.estimated B.shared C.remembered D.fired 7.A.disastrous B.destructive C.experienced D.exposed 8.A.acquiring B.consuming C.stimulating D.appreciating 9.A.mood B.complaint C.reputation D.dream 10.A.relied on B.stepped forward C.tore apart D.broke out 11.A.scared B.dominated C.bothered D.reached 12.A.barrier B.structure C.campaign D.sorrow 13.A.outstanding B.realistic C.adorable D.ready 14.A.However B.So C.But D.Otherwise 15.A.talents B.chiefs C.natives D.composers (22-23高一下·江苏·期末)Have you ever felt nervous while doing something for the very first time If you got dropped off in a new environment with a bunch of strangers, what would you do It can be extremely difficult, and even frightening at times, to try something 16 . Recently, a popular Chinese vlogger posted videos teaching people how to take the metro and bus in cities. The first reaction of many netizens was 17 . After all, who doesn’t know how to use public transportation But soon, many others thanked the creator for her thoughtful and 18 videos because she showed people a simple-to-follow set of 19 on what to do. Many had 20 to realize lots of people in China don’t live in large cities. What we may 21 as common knowledge may very well be 22 and confusing to ot ... ...

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