ID: 20590097

外研版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Lessons in Life Expanding your world课件(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:51次 大小:449667B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Lessons in life Expanding your world 单元回顾·总结提升 Ⅰ.核心单词 写作词汇 1. ____ n.工作酬金,服务费 fee 2. _____ v.倚,靠 lean 3. _____ n.夫人,太太,女士 Madame 4. _____ n.绝望 despair 拓展词汇 1. _____v.(使)虚弱→_____adj.虚弱的;不牢固的→_____n. 弱点;软弱 weaken weak weakness 2. _____ adj.悲观的,悲观主义的→_____adv.悲观地 →_____n.悲观主义者→_____n.悲观主义 pessimistic pessimistically pessimist pessimism 3. _____ v.预期,预料→_____adj.受期盼的→_____n. 预料,预期;期盼,期望 anticipate anticipated anticipation 4. _____ n.财产,财物→_____v.有,拥有→_____n.拥有 者,持有者 possession possess possessor 5. _____ adj.不正常的,反常的→_____adv.不正常地,反 常地→_____adj.正常的,典型的→_____adv.正常地 abnormal abnormally normal normally 6. _____ n.承认,认可→_____v.认出;承认 →_____adj.易于识别的,容易认出的 recognition recognize recognizable 7. _____v.合作,协作→_____adj.合作的,协作的n.合作社 组织→_____n.合作→_____n.合作者 cooperate cooperative cooperation cooperator 8. _____adj.纯净的,洁净的→_____adv.仅仅;完全→_____v.净化; 提纯→_____n.纯净,纯洁,纯粹 pure purely purify purity 9. _____adv.本能地→_____adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的 →_____n.本能,天性 instinctively instinctive instinct 10. _____n.奢华,奢侈→_____adj.奢侈的→_____adv.豪 华地,奢侈地 luxury luxurious luxuriously Ⅱ.高频短语 1. 留心,提防_____ look out for 2. (使)重聚_____ be reunited with 3. 充分利用_____ make the most of 4. 匆忙做某事,冲进,仓促跑进_____ rush into 5. 走向_____ go up to 6. 突然发生;突然……起来_____ burst out 7. 不愿意/不情愿做某事_____ be reluctant to do sth. 8. 对……满意_____ be pleased with 9. 由……组成_____ be composed of 10. result in_____ 导致 11. far from_____ 远非;完全不 12. be made up of_____ 由……组成 13. think back_____ 回想 14. lose/keep in touch with_____ 与……失去/保持联系 15. get through_____ 通过;完成;接通电话;熬过(困难时期等) 16. live life to the full_____ 过着充实的生活 17. be crammed with_____ 塞满,填满 18. no more...than_____ 和……一样不 19. be adapted from_____ 从……改编而来 20. to the point_____ 简明恰当;切题 Ⅲ.经典句型 1. 米奇得知莫里得了重病,日渐虚弱,便每周二都去教授家看望他。 _____, Mitch starts visiting him at his house on Tuesdays. On discovering that Morrie is being weakened by a severe illness 2. 阅读这本书仿佛将我从长觉中唤醒了,让我终于开始睁眼看世界! Reading this book made me feel _____ _____ and finally opened my eyes to the world! as if I'd been woken up from a long sleep 3. 尽管《相约星期二》这本书得到了广泛的认可,但是我的第一印象是, 它只是由一些过于感性的思想和信息组成的,其中有很多是重复的。 Despite its widespread recognition, my first impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just made up of a collection of over- emotional thoughts and messages, _____. many of which are repeated 4. 他们围着孩子们欢快地跳起舞来。而后,一个头领模样的人走向狄 蒂尔,对他伸出了手。 They dance merrily around the CHILDREN, then the o ... ...

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