ID: 21521349

人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language课件(共15张PPT+教学设计+课后练+学习任务单)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:21次 大小:3309404B 来源:二一课件通
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    教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季 课题 Unit2 Bridging Cultures (Reading and Writing) 教科书 高中英语选择性必修第二册 教学目标 1. Language knowledge: memorize the meaning of key words such as fast-developing, overwhelming, calligraphy, home-stay, attach, etc. 2. Learning ability: catch the main idea of the passage through skimming and scanning; master the structure a letter of recommendation step by step. 3. Thinking quality: predict the content; compare the main idea of ech paragraph, and infer what the author would do based on his writing. 4. Cultural awareness: learn about the rapid development of China and the significance of the cultural exchange. 教学内容 教学重点: Instruct students to find out the factors and structure of an argumentative writing . 2. Let students obtain not only the structure of the letter of recommendation but also the common sentence patterns. 教学难点: 1. Guide students to have a further thinking based on the content of the text and express their opinions with correct and proper expressions. 2. Lead students to offer suggestions based on the needs of Jim that are mentioned in the text. 教学过程 Lead in: What things do you think would impress a Canadian teenager on a visit to China * Possible answer: He/she might be impressed by some historical sites such as the Great Wall, Palace Museum and the Temple of Heaven, Chinese cuisine, and beautiful natural scenery and so on. [design purpose] Leading in the topic of the email by raising a question “What things do you think would impress a Canadian teenager on a visit to China ” can help students to remind the relevant knowledge around this topic, laying a foundation for further study. Fast reading: Read through Jim’s email to his aunt and match the main idea with the paragraphs. Possible answer: 3; 2; 5; 4 [design purpose] Through fast reading, students can easily catch the major content of the email, which will help students to locate certain information in the next learning activity -- detailed reading. Detailed reading: Read the email again and answer these questions. 1. How did Jim prepare for his trip to China 2. How did Jim’s impression of China change after he arrived 3. Why does Jim like Chinese parks so much 4. What are Jim’s plans for the future 5. What kind of photos do you think Jim has attached to the email * Possible answer: He took some after-school Chinese classes before coming to China. He had thought China would be quite old and traditional, but then he found in many ways, the cities are just as modern as back home. He practices tai chi with the locals in the parks. He also gets to know other forms of traditional Chinese culture there. His long-term plan is to take a degree course in China. And he intends to find some work first. Right now, he hopes to find a friendly Chinese family for home-stay. Maybe some photos of people writing calligraphy on the ground with big paintbrushes in the park, or people doing tai chi, playing tradition ... ...

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