ID: 21521025

Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Assessing Your Progress教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:92次 大小:1169703B 来源:二一课件通
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    教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季 课题 Unit2 Bridging Cultures Assessing Your Progress 教科书 普通高中教科书 英语 选择性必修二 教学目标 At the end of the class, students will be able to 1. consolidate and check the vocabulary that they have learnt in this unit by various exercises.. 2. consolidate the usage of noun clauses by presentation and practices. 3. get some related information about studying abroad and share their opinions by reading passages and watching the video. 教学内容 教学重点: 检测学生对本单元重点词汇及核心语法项目———名词性从句的掌握情况。 (活动一要求学生用所给的词语改写句子,帮助他们巩固这些词语的用法,引导他们用不同的方式表达类似的意思,丰富语言表达形式。活动2的匹配练习涉及名词性从句的不同种类,引导学生把握不同的句子结构,积累名词性从句的典型句式,如 my that...) 通过语篇引导学生了解国外留学的益处以及挑战,了解留学可能产生的文化冲突及其四个阶段。 教学难点: 引导学生结合所学对国外留学及文化交流形成自己的思考,并综合相关话题的词汇及语法知识,谈论、分享自己对国外留学的看法。 教学过程 Step1 Learning objectives The teacher will show the goals of this class. [Justification] It will make students clear about the target of the class, thus following the lesson. Step2 Lead in The teacher will show the picture of an exchange student, then raise two questions: Where do you think the girl might be from Where do you think she is studying now [Justification] It will activate students’ minds through engaging their senses in, finally, leads to today’s topic naturally. Step3 Vocabulary Activity1 Matching The teacher will show some key words and phrases in this unit as well as their English meanings, and arrange the task: match each word with its English meaning. [Justification] It will make students review the important vocabulary to understand them better and get familiar with them, then get ready for the next activity. Activity2 Rewriting The teacher will show some sentences and the vocabulary based on Activity1 for students, then arrange the task: rewrite the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets. [Justification] It will help students enrich their vocabulary and make them express variously, finally develop their language skills. Activity3 Filling&Exploring The teacher will give an incomplete passage for students to choose correct forms of the words in the box. The teacher will give a tip to students to improve accuracy rate: we can put parts of speech first before filling. After checking the answer, students will be given some useful phrases to understand and memorize. After that students are supposed to read the passage and answer questions: What’s the text type What does the passage mainly talk about Why did the author say “studying abroad was a life changing experience” Did the author think it was a good idea to study abroad Why [Justification] It will make students consolidate the vocabulary in this unit again; Students also get the learning strategy to study better ... ...

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