
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world online单元作业课件(共4份打包)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:73次 大小:491610Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 The world online 作业1 Welcome to the unit & Reading (1) 考点一 access n. 机会,权利;入径,通道 vt. 到达,进入,使用 一句多译 ①  All the students in our school have free access to the files.  (access) ②  The files are freely accessible to all the students in our school.  (accessible) 我们学校的所有学生都可以免费查阅这些档案。 All the students in our school have free access to the files. The files are freely accessible to all the students in our school. 考点二 bring up使显示在计算机屏幕上,调出;提出 单句语法填空 1. I don’t clearly remember who brought  up  the subject. 2. This picture often brings  back  many happy memories of my high school days. 3. Working with the medical team in Africa has brought  out  the best in her as a doctor. up  back  out  考点三 majority n. 大部分,大多数;多数票 单句语法填空 1. Those who are in favour of the software are  in  the majority.  2. It is reported that the majority of the young people  are  (be) unwilling to take low-income jobs. 3. I was admitted into Nanjing University in 2016, and then majored  in  math. in  are  in  考点四 deliver vt. 递送,传送;发表,宣布;交出 单句语法填空 1. You promised to deliver the goods  to  us, but we haven’t seen any of them yet. 2. As long as you pay in advance, we won’t charge you for  delivery  (deliver). to  delivery  单句写作 3. You can  have food delivered to you using food delivery apps and sites  . 你可以使用外卖应用程序和网站让人送餐给你。 have food delivered to you using food delivery apps and sites 考点五 arrangement n. 安排;布置;约定;排列 微语篇语法填空 With everything  arranged  (arrange) properly, the boss made  arrangements (arrange) to meet Mr White. He arranged  for  his driver  to pick  (pick) Mr White up at the airport. arranged  arrangements  for  to pick  考点六 instant adj. 立即的,立刻的;方便的 n. 瞬间,片刻;某一时刻 单句语法填空 1.  Instantly  (instant) he knew the news, he burst into tears. 2. My primary school teacher greeted me warmly  the  instant she saw me. 3. The earthquake destroyed the whole city  in  an instant. Instantly  the  in  考点七 set up 创建,建立 单句语法填空 1. Set  aside  some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes. 2. I do not want to set  down  a series of facts in a diary as most people do. 3. He set  out  the reasons for his decision in his report in detail. 4. She will set  off  for home at once as soon as she hears from her mother. aside  down  out  off  单句写作 5. Moreover,  with the stadium set up  , a wide range of sports events are able to be held. 此外,随着体育场的建成,各种各样的体育赛事都可以举办。 with the stadium set up  一、 阅读理解 主题语境 主题群 语篇类型 词数 难度 人与社会 人际沟通 说明文 333 ★★★ 一 二   (2023·江苏省南京市高一下期中统考)Technoference(科技入侵) is defined as everyday interruptions(打扰) in ... ...

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