
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Living with Technology单元话题完形填空练习(含解析)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:28次 大小:77906Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 单元话题完形填空练习 In 1992, the first piano arrived on Mahani Teave’s distant island — Rapa Nui. Teave took her first lessons on that piano. They strengthened her love for the piano and 1 the young musician to leave her home for years of study. Teave’s trip to the mainland came because of the 2 of Roberto Bravo, a well-known pianist who heard her play. Just nine years old, she enrolled in the Austral University of Chile in Valdivia. As a teenager, awards began to 3 , including a first place at the Claudio Arrau Piano Competition. “Teave is extraordinarily gifted. The power of concentration that she 4 is first-class,” says Fabio Bidini, a famous pianist, 5 Teave would earn a worldwide reputation. But after years of study in Berlin, Teave felt the island 6 her heart. She began to think of giving up the 7 career. “There was this umbilical cord (脐带) 8 me with the island and saying, ‘Mahani, you had all these 9 . There are lots of children who are 10 to have them too, and only you can do this. ’” The memories of her youthful 11 for music haunted (萦绕) her. She 12 the pain felt when good teachers appeared on the island, and then suddenly 13 the island. “It was breaking children’s dreams over and over again,” she says. Teave soon moved back to the island and opened a music school. “It is 14 to see the children learning. I am content,” she says. Teave may have given up a successful career, but she gains something more—the 15 of supporting the dreams of children, hungry to learn music. 1 .A .allowed B .reminded C .stimulated D .trained 2 .A .challenge B .expectation C .defense D .recommendation 3 .A .roll in B .make sense C .take effect D .stand out 4 .A .deserves B .possesses C .combines D .desires 5 .A .admitting B .assuming C .responding D .predicting 6 .A .breaking B .affecting C .making D .knowing 7 .A .promising B .encouraging C .surprising D .interesting 8 .A .comparing B .exchanging C .connecting D .replacing 9 .A .gifts B .opportunities C .reputations D .profits 10 .A .determined B .certain C .willing D .desperate 11 .A .hunger B .appreciation C .capability D .responsibility 12 .A . tolerated B .relieved C . recalled D .estimated 13 .A . ignored B .left C . forgot D .disliked 14 .A . possible B .essential C . wise D .pleasant 15 .A . impression B .satisfaction C . profession D .intention Eight years ago, Nixon decided to begin each day from a bench watching the sunrise at the waterfront. “I call it ‘life rising’ because it makes me feel 16 before starting my day,” said Nixon. Later a woman said something that changed his 17 on his daily routine. “She said, ‘Every morning when I see you sitting here, I know that everything is going to be OK,’” Nixon recalled. “That’s when I knew: I needed to make eye contact and let people walking past know that we are 18 to each other.” Instead of staring at the sunrise, Nixon started 19 at people and striking ... ...

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