
Unit4 Where's my schoolbag SectionA1a-2d课件+音频(共34张PPT,含内嵌视频)人教版七年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:96次 大小:47050420Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A (1a-2d) Learning Goals Look and Say George lost Mr. Dinosaur. George can't find Mr. Dinosaur. What's the matter?怎么了? Look and Say Look and Say Look and Say Where's Mr. Dinosaur desk It's in the desk. It's under the table. table It's on the bed. bed Where's Mr. Dinosaur It's behind the chair It is in front of the sofa . sofa chair Where's Mr. Dinosaur It's next to the box. It's between the schoolbag and the bookcase. box bookcase schoolbag Where's Mr. Dinosaur It is... A song about prepositions of direction方位介词歌曲 One two three four Where is the mouse The mouse is in the house. Where is the snake The snake is on the cake. Where is the fox The fox is under the box. Where is the D The D is in front of the C. Where is the C The C is behind the D. Where is the E The E is next to the D. Where are you I'm between M and W. in on under in front of behind next to between (repeat) They are prepostions to tell where things are. 描述事物位置的介词。 Where are the dinosaurs They are... Pre-listening 1a He is Tom. What's the matter He can't find his things. Pre-listening Where are they They are at home. They are in the living room. This is his bedroom. 1. table __ 2. bed __ 3. bookcase __ 4. sofa ___ 5. chair ___ 6. schoolbag __ 7. books __ 8. keys ___ 1a b e h g d f c a Match the words with the things in the picture. What can't Tom find 1b Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4].听录音,为图中物品编号。 P19 2 3 4 He can't find his books, pencil box, computer game and keys. 1b Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。 TIPS: Where + is + 主语? (询问单数物品在哪里) Where + are + 主语? (询问复数物品在哪里) 回答where引导的问句: It's + 介词短语(表地点). They're + 介词短语(表地点). 1C Make conversations about the picture. 看图编对话练习。 A: Where's... B: It's on/in/under/in front of/behind/next to/ between… A: Where are... B: They on/in/under/in front of/behind/next to/ between… under... Pair-work 1C Make your own conversations with your own things. 用自己的物品编对话练习。 A: Where's... B: It's on/in/under/in front of/behind/next to/ between… A: Where are... B: They are on/in/under/in front of/behind/next to/ between… A:Thank you for your help. B: You're welcome. Pair-work Tom can't find his things again. 2a P20 2 6 1 5 3 4 Listen and number the things [1-6]. 听录音,为物品编号。 2b P20 2 3 4 5 6 1 Listen again. Find the things from 2a and number them in the picture [1-6].再听一遍录音,找出2a中的物品并编号。 2b P20 Listen and repeat. 听录音,复述句子。 A: Are the keys on the sofa B: No, they aren't. They're on the table. Remember where things are in the picture.记住图中所有物品的位置。 Pair work A: Where is/are the _____ B: It is/They are _____. Ask and answer. 问答练习。 Why can't Tom find his things easily He puts his things everywhere./ He is untidy. He should keep tidy and learn to put away his things. 2b P20 1 Listen again. Find the things ... ...

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