
北师大版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps课件(共30张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:77次 大小:6015285Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 2 Apps Unit 4 Information Technology Leading in What kind of apps do you have on your phone Leading in Do you use these apps Leading in Do you use these apps Vocabulary 1. powerful powerfully adv. 强大地 power n. 力量,权力 powerless adj. 无权力的 powerlessly adv. 无权力地 练习:Technology has a _____ effect on people. powerful Vocabulary 2. latest latest adj. 最新的;最近的 her latest works 她的最新作品 latest technology 最新科技,最新工艺 练习:The radio is broadcasting the _____ news. latest Vocabulary 3. reality in reality 事实上,实际上 turn...into (a) reality 把……变为现实 bring…back to reality 使……回到现实 become a reality 变成现实 face/ accept reality 面对/ 接受现实 练习:Imagination is sometimes more vivid than _____. reality Vocabulary 4. account an Internet/ email account 互联网/ 电子邮件账户 account for 说明……的原因;对……做出解释 on account of 因为,由于 take account of 考虑到,顾及,体谅 take…into account 考虑到,把……考虑进去 on no account 决不 练习:My salary is paid into my bank _____. account Vocabulary 5. app app = application make an application (to sb.) for sth. (向某人)申请…… an application form 申请表 apply v. 申请,请求;应用,使用 apply to 适用于 apply...to... 把……应用于…… apply (to...) for... (向……)申请…… applicant n. 申请人 练习:The native smart phone _____ was in development. app Vocabulary 6. deliver deliver sth. (to sb.) 投递/ 传递某物(给某人) deliver a speech 发表演说 be delivered of a child = give birth to a child 生孩子 deliver sb./ sth. over to sb. 把……移交给某人 练习:She is due to _____ a lecture. deliver Leading in ACTIVATE AND SHARE to book tickets to book accommodation to order food to find directions to learn a language to check the weather to look for popular restaurants to subscribe to newspapers and magazines What apps do you often use What do you use them for Use the phrases below to help you make notes. Leading in ACTIVATE AND SHARE I often use Alipay to pay online. I often use WeChat to communicate with others. I often use Baidu Maps to find directions. LISTEN FOR UNDERSTANDING Before listening to an interview with an app developer, read and answer the questions. Use the key words to help you. Then listen and check. 1. Why are apps so popular 2. What are the difficulties in developing an app 3. What are the latest technologies used in apps LISTEN FOR UNDERSTANDING to become powerful to be useful to make life easier to solve real-world problems to enjoy learning activities to find what people need to use the latest technology VR (Virtual Reality) AR (Augmented Reality) MR (Mixed Reality) Listening for Key Words Listening for key words helps you understand the conversation better and find the answers to questions more quickly. Before listening, read the questions carefully. While listening, pay attention to the words related to the questions, e.g. popular, difficulties, latest technologies. Listen for wor ... ...

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