ID: 20821287

外研版(2019)选择性必修四册Unit 2 Lessons in Life Developing ideas P26-31课件(共40张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:25107570B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Developing ideas P26-31 Unit 2 Lessons in life 新外研版选择性必修Book 4 Learning objectives In this class, you will be able to know an introduction to The Blue Bird; read the text to identify the main characters, setting and plot; participate in acting out the play to deepen your appreciation for it; read the summary of The Blue Bird and then attempt to compose your own summary. Did you watch the play The Blue Bird before Can you share your opinions about it Warming-up Maurice Maeterlinck (1862 — 1949, Nice, France), Belgian Symbolist poet, playwright, and essayist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1911 for his outstanding works of the Symbolist theatre. He wrote in French and looked mainly to French literary movements for inspiration. Introduction of the author Read the introduction to The Blue Bird and answer the questions. 1 Pre-reading 1. Do you know the symbolic meaning of the Blue Bird in Chinese and Western cultures Share your understanding of the meaning with the class. 2. Where do you think the children find the Blue Bird In Western culture the Blue Bird symbolizes happiness and it brings good luck and health to people, while in Chinese culture the Blue Bird symbolises the messenger. While-reading Read the text and complete the notes with information from the play. 2 ACT IV SCENE II Characters Setting Plot Tyltyl, (Mytyl,) a troop of Happinesses, the (chief) Happiness Tyltyl and Mytyl have been searching for the Blue Bird in the Land of Memory, the Palace of Night and the Forest. Now they have arrived at the Palace of Happiness. A troop of Happinesses rush into the hall and speak to them. The children come to the Palace of Happiness and are welcomed by a troop of Happinesses... ACT IV SCENE II Plot The children come to the palace of Happiness and are welcomed by a troop of Happinesses. The children do not recognise them, but the Happinesses tell them that they are the only things the children know and they are all around them. Tyltyl wonders whether there are happinesses in his home, and at this, all the Happinesses burst out laughing. The Chief of the Happinesses tell him that his home is filled with Happinesses. The Chief introduces himself to Tyltyl as the Happiness of Being Well, and then introduces him to the other Happinesses: of Pure Air, of Loving One’s Parents, of the Blue Sky and of the Forest. Tyltyl just wants to ask the Happinesses one thing: the whereabouts of the Blue Bird. ACT VI SCENE II Characters Setting Plot Tyltyl, (Mytyl,) Mummy Tyl, the neighbour Berlingot, the little girl Unable to find the Blue Bird anywhere, the children return home. While they are trying to tell their parents about their adventures, their neighbour comes in. She is asking for Tyltyl’s bird for her sick little girl. The children return home without finding the Blue Bird... ACT VI SCENE II Plot The children return home without finding the Blue Bird. The neighbour Berlingo ... ...

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