
人教英语七上(2024)Unit 1 You and me Section A 1a- pronunciation 2 课件+音视频

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:69082885Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 you and me Section A How do we get to know each other Contents 2. Warming up 3. Pre- listening 4. While - listening 5. Post- listening 6. Summary 7. Homework 1. Teaching objectives Contents 2. Warming up 3. Pre- listening 4. While - listening 5. Post- listening 6. Summary 7. Homework 1. Learning objectives Learning objectives 1 .Curriculum words: Class, Grade, far, the same, full name, first name, last name, the UK, the US. 2. Sentences: --How old are you -- I’m … years old. --Where are you from -- I’m from … -- What’s your full name/ last/first name -- What class are you in -- I’m in Class…Grade … 3 Pronunciation: /i:/, / /, /e/, / / They are friends. Watch and guess: What’s the relationship between them Warming up Think and talk: 1. How do you get to know your friends Name age class grade 2. What will you say when you meet them for the first time … Hello Hi May I have your name … Pre-listening Tick the expressions you know. 1a Hello. Nice to meet you. How do you spell your name Where are you from Good morning. May I have your name How old are you What class are you in Language point 1. Where are you from 你来自哪里? Be from:来自。其中的be随句子主语人称的变换而变化,其变化规律如下: 主语 I you he she it we you they be am are is is is are are are 此句为特殊疑问句,句型:特殊疑问词 be 主语 from? e.g. Where is he from Language point 2. How old are you 你多少岁了? 此句用来询问对方年龄, 回答: I’m 数字 year(s) old. e.g. I’m thirteen years old. Look and guess 1. What is the relationship between them 2. What are they doing Maybe the woman is the girl’s teacher. Maybe they are greeting each other. Look and guess 1. What is the boy’s name 2. What is the relationship between them His name is Peter. Maybe they are classmates. Listen to two conversations and number the pictures in the order you hear them. 1b 1 2 While-listening Listen again and circle the words you hear. 1c 1. Peter's full name is Peter Brown / Green. 2. Peter is from the UK/ the US. 3. Meimei is in Class 1 / 2, Grade 7 / 8. 4. Ella's last name is Smith/ Miller. 5. Ella is 12 / 13 years old. Language points 1. full name: 姓名,全名。 2. the UK: 英国 the US: 美国 3. Class: 班级,Grade: 年级,英语中先说班级再说年级。 3. last name: 姓 first name:名 英语中名在前,姓在后。 Conversation 1 Meimei: Hello, I'm Song Meimei. May I have your name Peter: Hi, I'm Peter Brown. Nice to meet you. Meimei: Nice to meet you too. How do you spell your name Peter: P-E-T-E-R, Peter. B-R-O-W-N, Brown. Meimei: Where are you from Peter: I'm from London, in the UK. Meimei: Wow, that's far. What class are you in Peter: I' m in Class 1, Grade 7. Meimei: Wow, we're in the same class! 相同的 Listen and repeat 远的 Post-listening Conversation 2 Ella: Good morning, Ms Li. Ms Li: Good morning! Are you Emma Ella: No, Ms Li. I'm Ella. Ms Li: Sorry, Ella. What's your last name Ella: It’s Miller. Ms Li: How old are you, Ella Ella: I'm ... ...

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