ID: 20854789

译林版(2020)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Food Matters Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件(共39张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:65次 大小:20033253B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 佳句欣赏 1.Feeling confused, I walked into the crowd and asked …… 2.“……”a choked voice replied. 3.Great sadness and guilt seized us. 4. ……a brilliant idea flashed into my mind. 5.……everyone on the spot nodded in agreement. 6.……the crowd burst into cheers. 7.The young man who is in charge of this store was touched deeply and kept expressing gratitude with tears on his face. 8.“The bookstore without you book-lovers is like birds without wings”he added sincerely. 9.Applause took the place of cheers . 10.It's mutual love and care that make this world go around. Unit 1 Food matters Welcome to the unit & Reading I have to work hard to earn my bread and butter. 生计;主要收入来源 He hit the man and now he is in the soup. Mr.Green will go bananas if you don’t hand in your homework on time. Jenny and I were like peas and carrots. I guess learning English is a piece of cake for you. President Xi is a big potato/ the big banana. 小菜一碟 大人物;重要人物 形影不离 抓狂;发怒 处于困境 Presentation Lead-in Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state. — Chen Shou 国以民为本,民以食为天。——— 陈寿 该句出自三国及西晋时期史学家陈寿(233— 297)的《三国志·吴书十六·潘濬陆凯传》。 A is as +adj. to B as C is to D A对于B就像C对于D 一样....... 1)“A is to B as C is to D” e.g. Reading is to the spirit as exercises are to the body. 和此句型常常省略为 (A对于B就像C对于D一样) 读书相对于精神正如运动对于身体。 2)“A is to B what C is to D (A对于B就像C对于D一样) e.g. Oxygen is to the human beings what water is to the fish. In order to survive and lead a better life, people have invented various kinds of foods. Tell me what they are in English. Mooncake Noodles Dumpling Hot pot Presentation Lead-in Each country has its typical food. 典型的;有代表性的 Finish the following exercises after the video. Fish and chips from the UK consists of deep-fried fish and _____ chips. Sushi from Japan comes in _____ and is very popular partly because of its freshness and convenience. A taco, a traditional Mexican dish, is made up of a _____ or wheat pancake rolled around a filling. Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour, water and sometimes _____. 由...组成 部分原因是 馅儿 面粉 Welcome to the unit Welcome to the unit Watch the video and find the following exercises. Finish the following exercises after the video. Fish and chips from the UK consists of deep-fried fish and _____ chips. Sushi from Japan comes in _____ and is very popular partly because of its freshness and convenience. A taco, a traditional Mexican dish, is made up of a _____ or wheat pancake rolled around a filling. Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour, water and sometimes _____. fat golden all shapes and sizes corn eggs 由...组成 部分原因是 馅儿 面粉 Welcome to the unit What do you know about Chinese food What is comfort food Prediction Comfort food (治愈系食物)may be a type of delicious food related to ... ...

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