
Unit 3 Robot Period 2课件+音频(共31张PPT)牛津译林版英语九年级下册

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:39830721Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Robots Period 2 Reading 1.学习目标 3.重点探究 2.自主学习 学习导航 5.当堂检测 6.课堂总结 4.拓展提升 新课导入 Video about living with a robot 1.能熟悉并正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语。 2.能了解Mr Jiang和家用机器人的故事。 学习目标 自主学习 New words order suit smoothly iron satisfy need virus vt. 订购 n. 套装 adv. 平整地;顺利地 vt. 熨烫 vt. 满足,使……满意 n. 需要的事物;欲望 n. 病毒 properly complete mess lay store coin bill adv. 正确地,适当地 adj. 完全的,彻底的 n. 乱七八糟 vt. 放,搁 vt. 储藏,存储 n. 硬币 n. 账单 New phrases in general no longer 总的来说;大体上 不再 New words private paper spread wheel adj. 私人的 n. 文件,证明 vt. & vi. (使) 散开;扩散 n. 轮子,车轮 What will your life be like if you have a robot 重点探究 Free Talk A. Daniel is very interested in robots. He found an interesting story in this month's Robot magazine. Here is the story. The home robot Mr Jiang is a manager of a big company in Sunshine Town. He is always too busy to have any time to relax. “l have to buy a robot so that I can have more free time,” Mr Jiang thought. So he ordered one from a robot shop. The robot made Mr Jiang's life much easier. When he got up in the morning, breakfast was made, his business suit was smoothly ironed, and his lunch box was already prepared. That made him very happy. While Mr Jiang was at work, the robot would do all the housework. It would go shopping at the supermarket as well. When Mr Jiang returned home from work, his flat would look as good as new, and a delicious dinner would be ready for him. After dinner, the robot would tidy up. That allowed Mr Jiang to do whatever he liked. He would watch TV or do some reading. It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang's needs. After a few comfortable weeks, however, things started to go wrong. The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly. It began to make stupid mistakes. Sometimes it woke Mr Jiang up at four o'clock in the morning. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin; coins, bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor. Moreover, the robot moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over. Mr Jiang did not know what to do with it. In the end, Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop. Robots can help people a lot, but they can also be too much trouble! Skimming Read the article quickly and answer the questions. 1.What kind of robot is it 2.What happened to Mr Jiang after he bought the robot 3.Why did the robot cause a lot of problems 4.Was Mr Jiang satisfied with the robot at last It's a home robot. It made his life much easier. Because it caught a virus. No, he wasn't. Scanning Why did Mr Jiang order a robot The robot made too much trouble. How did Mr Jiang deal with the robot The robot helped Mr Jiang a lot. Please match the main idea with each part. Part 1 Par ... ...

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