
Unit 2 Travelling welcome to the unit课件(共20张PPT)牛津译林版英语八年级下册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:17939745Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Travelling 旅行 Welcome to the unit Do you like travelling Have you ever travelled abroad Warming up Free talk: Daniel and Millie are looking at some pictures of places of interest from around the world. Help them write the correct names under the pictures. A Places of interest 名胜风景 the Great Wall Beijing China the Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa Italy the Little Mermaid Copenhagen Denmark the Goden gate Bridge San Francisco the USA the Sydney Opera House Sydney Australia Tower Bridge London England Daniel and Millie are talking about the places in Part A. Work in pairs and talk to your partner about different places. Use the conversation below as a model. B Listen and answer It's the Little Mermaid. What's this, Millie Where is it What's special about it Have you ever been there It's in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen. No, I haven't. 1. What are Daniel and Millie talking about 2. Where is it 3. Has Millie ever been there Listen and answer They are talking about the Little Mermaid. No, she hasn't. It's in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. It's . What's this, Where is it What's special about it Have you ever been there It's in , the capital of . It . Yes/No, I . What's this It's . Where is it It's in , the capital of . What's special about it It is . Have you ever been there (作肯定回答) the Great Wall. Beijing China the longest wall in the world. Yes, I have. Have a try Most of us love travelling. Eddie and Hobo love travelling too. They are planning a holiday. Let’s find out where they are going. Comic strip 1. Where is Eddie going 2. Does Eddie feel happy at last Why He is going on a trip to South Hill. Answer the questions. No. Because he has to carry the heavy bag. Act it out Prepare a fact file and write about one of your holidays. 2. Preview the new words in Reading.

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