
Unit 6 Meet my family PartB 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-08 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:61次 大小:541225Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四年级上册英语人教版Unit 6 Meet my family Part B课时练(3) 一、单项选择。 ( )1. -_____ is your father’s job -He is a doctor. Who B. What C. How ( )2. My mother _____ a nurse. A. am B. is C.are ( )3. Is this _____ mother A. he B. John C. John’s ( )4. Hello, everyone. Welcome _____ my home. A.to B.for C. at ( )5. Is he a teacher A. Yes, she is. B. No, he is. C. No, he isn’t. 二、根据图片选择合适的单词。 ( )1. A. teacher B.doctor C.aunt ( )2. A. mother B.sister C.farmer ( )3. A. driver B.farmer C.aunt ( )4. A. cook B.sister C.parents ( )5. A. farmer B.cook C.nurse 三、选词填空。 job people home photo strong How many _____ are there in your family What’s your mother’s _____ He is tall and _____. This is a _____ of my family. Welcome to my _____. 四、根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。 ( )1. 护士 A. uncle B. doctor C. nurse ( )2. 表亲 A. aunt B. cousin C. cook ( )3. 多少 A. how many B. how much C. many ( )4. 尝试 A. pass B. try C. give ( )5. 但是 A. and B. how C. but 五、选词填空。 ( )1. this your uncle ( )2. She is nurse. ( )3. No, it’s . ( )4. What’s your 六、给下列句子选择合适的答语。 (  )1. What's your father's job (  )2. Is your uncle a driver (  )3. Is this your cousin (  )4. What's her job A. No. He's a doctor. B. She is a teacher. C. He's a cook. D. Yes, it is. 七、阅读短文,选择合适的选项。 John: Look at this photo. It’s a photo of my family. Ann : Oh, a big family! Are there nine people in your family John: No, this boy is my friend. There are eight people in my family. Ann : Who are they And what do they do John: They are my grandparents. They are teachers. This tall man is my father. He is a doctor. This is my mother. She is a nurse. That strong man is my uncle. He is a driver. And that is his wife(妻子), my aunt.. She is a worker. Look at this baby, he is my baby brother. ( )1. How many people are there in John’s family A. Nine. B. Eight. C. eight. ( )2. — Who is the tall man — He is John’s _____. A. father B. grandpa C. uncle ( )3. — What’s John’s mother’s job — His mother is a _____. A. nurse B. driver C. worker ( )4. Is John’s uncle strong A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he isn’t. ( )5. This boy is John’s _____. A. baby brother B. baby sister C. sister 答案: 一、1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 二、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 三、1.people 2.job 3.strong 4.photo 5.home 四、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 五、1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 六、1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 七、1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B

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