
湘少版(2024) 六年级上册 Unit 10-12 课文填空 专项训练 (含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:11次 大小:677381Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级上册Unit 10- 12课文填空专项练习 一、介词填空: 1. What’s wrong _____ you 2. Take some medicine and rest _____ bed. 3. They enjoyed themselves and Dino came _____ home very late. 4. Work in groups and make cards _____ Dino. 5. They’re talking about the plan _____ the day. 6. A new play is _____ at Star Theatre. 7. Christmas falls _____ 25th December. 8. Anne and her mother decorate their Christmas tree _____ colourful balls and lights. 9. Here’s a present _____ you. 10. I can’t wait _____ open it. 11. In some shopping centres, people dress _____ like Santa Claus. 12. They give _____ small presents to children. 13. People buy a lot of presents _____ their relatives and friends. 14. Merry Christmas _____ you, too! 15. _____ Christmas, Peter and his parents decorate the Christmas tree. 16. They enjoy listening ___ the Christmas songs at these shopping centres. 17. _____ Christmas Day, their friends and relatives visit them. 18. They greet each other _____ “Merry Christmas”. 19. Write _____ how Peter’s family celebrates Christmas. 20. What do people often do _____ the Spring Festival 二、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Anne doesn’t feel _____ (good) today. 2. They enjoyed _____ (them) and Dino came back home very late. 3. They’re _____ (talk) about the plan for the day. 4. You and your friends want to enjoy _____ (you) today. 5. You went to some places and _____ (take) many photos. 6. Anne and her mother decorate their Christmas tree with _____ (colour) balls and lights. 7. People buy a lot of _____ (present) for their relatives and friends. 8. They enjoy _____ (listen) to the Christmas songs at these shopping centres. 9. They enjoy a _____ (heart) dinner. 10. Many _____ (visitor) go there to watch theatre shows. 11. They are _____ ( paint) in red, black and white. 12. There are all _____ ( kind) of shows in the theatre. 三、看图写单词或短语。 _____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ _____ 6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____ 11._____ 12._____ 四、课文填空。 1. Dino’s ill Yesterday, Dino’s friends _____ him to a big party. They _____ themselves and Dino came _____ home very late. Later, he _____ feel well. He felt cold and had a _____. He coughed and coughed. This morning, he was very ill. Tim wanted to_____ him to the hospital. But Dino said, “No! I don’t want to take _____. Water is good _____ me. Water is my medicine. I’ll drink a lot of water and I will be _____.” Christmas Peter’s family _____ Christmas. Before Christmas, Peter and his parents _____ the Christmas tree. They go shopping to buy _____ for their relatives and friends. The shopping centres are beautiful. They enjoy _____ to the Christmas songs at these shopping centres. On Christmas Day, their friends and _____ visit them. They _____ each other with “Merry Christmas”. They also give _____ to each other. They enjoy a _____ dinner. They eat _____ turkey, ham, pudding and fruit cakes. 五、根据情境写出对话 --_____ --I don’t feel well. I feel cold and I have a cough. -- Hello ... ...

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