
湘少版(2024) 六年级上册 Unit 7-9 课文填空专项练习 (含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:33次 大小:137847Byte 来源:二一课件通
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六年级上册Unit 7- 9课文填空专项练习 一、介词填空: 1. Jane says, “I can make tea or coffee _____ them.” 2. I can help them _____ the road. 3. I can help them to get _____ or off the bus. 4. We can help them _____ clean their houses. 5. There isn’t enough water _____ the earth. 6. Mr Zhou’s office is not far away _____ his home. 7. She goes to the market _____ foot. 8. Mr Zhou uses a lot of water _____ wash his car. 9. I made a few birds _____ clay. 10. This bird is bigger _____ the first one. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Anne _____(say), “I can sing to them and make them happy.” 2. Ms Li likes _____(help) old people. 3. She tells them _____(interest) stories. 4. They talk to one another and they enjoy _____(them). 5. We _____(should) waste water. 6. We shouldn’t kill wild _____(animal). 7. You shouldn’t waste so _____(many) water. 8. This bird is _____(big) than the first one. 9. This is the _____(four). 10. Judy was smaller than Julia, and Jane was the _____(small). 11. One day, the birds decided _____(sing) together. 12. They are _____(real) the best singers in the forest! 13. People thought that the six singers were the _____(good) in the forest. 三、连词成句。 1.help, want, people, the, to, children, old _____ . them, help, road, on, Lingling, can, the _____ . do, can, what, I ( ) _____ . 4.makes, happy, she, them, every, day _____ . 四、写出下列单词的正确形式。 1.tall--_____(比较级) 2.short--_____(比较级) 3.small--_____(比较级) 4.big--_____(比较级) 5.long--_____(比较级) 6.loud--_____(比较级) 7.warm --_____(比较级) 8.happy--_____(比较级) 五、看一看,比一比,根据例句仿写句子。 1. Who is shorter than John Peter is shorter than John. Who is fatter than Jane _____ . 3. Who is thinner than Susan _____ . 4. Who has longer hair than Lingling _____ . 【答 案】 一、介词填空: 1. for 2. on 3.on 4. to 5.on 6. from 7.on 8.to 9.with 10.than 二、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. says 2.to help 3.interesting 4.themselves 5.shouldn’t 6. animals 7.much 8.bigger 9.fourth 10.smallest 11. to sing 12.really 13.best 三、连词成句。 1. Children want to help the old people. 2. Lingling can help them on road. 3. What can I do 4. She makes them happy every day. 四、写出下列单词的正确形式 1. taller 2. shorter 3.smaller 4.bigger 5.longer 6.louder 7.warmer 8.happier 五、看一看,比一比,根据例句仿写句子。 2. Susan is fatter than Jane. 3. Jane is thinner than Susan. 4. Anne has longer hair than Lingling.

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