ID: 20945037

人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking教案

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:55次 大小:21360B 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Design for Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations NEW SENIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA STUDENT BOOK 3 Background information: 1. Type of lesson: Listening&Speaking lesson 2. Lesson duration: 45mins 3. Analysis of students: The teaching objects are 40 students from class 2, grade 1 of a senior high school. They have already learned English for years, they are able to speak and communicate with their friends in English. They are highly motivated in acquiring English and are gradually forming the ability to grasp information from the given English text under the help of classmates and teachers. The students of this class have a relatively good foundation of English, and they are interested in the topic of festival activities, Students hear short conversations occurring in different holiday scenes in three countries, where people are attending or will experience different celebrations.but their listening skill still needs to be improved.), 4. Analysis of the teaching material: This lesson is taken from New Senior English for China Students’ Book 1, unit 1. The central topic of this unit is friendship which can arouse students’ interest greatly. My lesson design focuses on the part of listening and speaking. The listening material is mainly about festival activities, With the acceleration of globalization, international exchanges are becoming increasingly frequent. Whether it is common for Chinese people to go abroad or foreign friends to visit China. Therefore, the three typical festival scenes selected in this section all belong to the context of cross-cultural communication. Not only do the characters in each group of dialogues come from different cultural backgrounds, but also the identities and relationships of the interlocutors are also different. By studying this lesson, students can improve their listening and speaking ability and express their opinions. II. Teaching objectives 1. Language ability: Students are able to use the new words and expressions to express their opinions about festivals. 2. Learning ability: Students can improve their listening and speaking ability by using some strategies, and they can learn how the different people in different countries celebrate festivals. 3. Thinking ability: Students will learn to grasp key information from the listening material through individual work and group work. Besides, their critical thinking ability can be cultivated as well. 4. Cultural awareness: Students will be able to understand the origin of major world festivals and the activities held to celebrate them and the significance of these activities. III. Teaching key and difficult points: 1. Teaching key points: 1) To guide students to pay attention to the attitude of the speaker in the process of listening, and identify the relationship between the characters; 2)To inspire students to use topic words to describe the festival activities based on their background knowledge. 2. Teaching difficult points: 1) In the process of listening to t ... ...

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