
Unit3 Robot Welcome to the unit教案(表格式)牛津译林版英语九年级下册

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:27次 大小:18726Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 Welcome to the unit 课题9B Unit3 Welcome to the unit 教学目标 Know the uses of robots. To understand some of the advantages of the robots. 教学重难点 Know the uses of robots. 课前准备 PPT 板块 教师活动的问题串设计 学生活动串设计 目标达成反馈串设计 Step1 吸引注意,积累语言 Step2 导出目标,生成结构 Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 Step4 呈现刺激性材料,活用结构 Step5 引发期待行为,强化结构 Step6 提供反馈评价,巩固结构 1.Lead-in:Show Ss a video of robots ① Have you seen robots in the films ② Do you like robots Why 2.Presentation A.Present the new words and phrases through the pictures B. Finish the matching on book P37, Part A Listen to the dialogue between Amy and Daniel. Try to fill in the blanks. Presentation: What is Hobo -It is an e-dog. -It is a kind of a robot. What can it do for Eddie He can .... Listen and answer: 1. What is Eddie doing 2. Why does Eddie want to complain to the robot shop 3. What does Eddie want Hobo to do 4. Why doesn’t Hobo post the letter for Eddie Language points: 1. Would robots have brains in the future, Daniel 丹尼尔,将来机器人会有大脑吗?句中的would用来谈论想象的事情。 情态动词would, could均可引出想象的结果。 2. I’m complaining about you to the robot shop. 我在向机器人商店投诉你。 complain about sb to sp/sb 她正在向她的妈妈抱怨她的妹妹。 She is complaining about her sister to her mother. 3. Post this for me.为我寄这封信。 post sth for sb 为某人寄某物 post sb sth = post sth to sb 寄某样东西给某人 请把这封信寄给Millie. Please post this letter to Millie. Please post Millie this letter. Homework: 1.完成创新26-27页 2. 背诵本课新词和词组 3. 预习reading课文 Ss watch the video Ss learn the new words and phrases through the context Ss listen and answer. Ss fill in the blanks Ss look at the pictures and answer questions Ss listen and answer Ss take notes 由机器人的视频导入本节课的 话题。激发学生的兴趣。 导入重点单词和词汇。 扫除重点词汇和表达障碍 通过听力了解对话内容, 学习重点句型. 通过填空进一步了解对话 内容。 导入到hobo和eddie的对话 听录音,回答问题 重要语言点讲解

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