ID: 20947815

2025届高三英语总复习:外研版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Lessons in life基础知识检测(含答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:17420B 来源:二一课件通
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2025届高三总复习新外研版高中英语选择性必修四 Book 7 Unit 2 Lessons in life 基础知识检测 I.单词互译 1._____v.预期,预料 2._____adj.广泛流传的 3._____v.倚,靠 4._____n.绝望 5._____adj.不正常的 6._____adj.悲观的 7._____v.(使)虚弱;削弱 8._____n.成语,习语 9._____adv.本能地 10.fee n._____ 11.outstretched adj._____ 12.transparent adj._____ 13.vexed adj._____ 14.stroke v._____ 15.cram v._____ 16.absurd adj._____ n._____ 18.possess v._____ Ⅱ.短语填空 ahead of go through be reunited with lose touch with be made up of after all 1.Do write me as often as you can. As a matter of fact, I don't want to_____you. 2.It’s apparent that, thanks to your help, we finished the task_____schedule. 3.You should forgive him for what he has done and give him a chance to correct his mistake. _____, he is only a child. 4.As far as I known, she and her youngest son were finally allowed to _____their family. 5.I believe you must have_____a lot of difficulties before you succeeded. 6.It is common knowledge that the Earth_____seven continents and four oceans. Ⅲ.词性转换 1.He had changed so much that you couldn't_____him.In fact,illness and age changed him beyond_____. (recognize) 2.The behaviors between the two sides suggest that they both realize the importance of_____with others and in turn it helps to strengthen the_____between them.(cooperate) 3.The drinking water in the classroom has been_____by the teacher. The teacher_____takes the problem seriously.(pure) 4.As is known to all,everyone has both strengths and_____. Therefore, we shouldn't look down upon whoever looks_____.(weaken) 5.With his business going on well, he at first_____big houses, cars, and later he took _____of stocks of different companies.Then, he found that everything he had dreamed of was in his_____.(possess) IV.语法填空 1.The teacher said this maths problem was no_____(complex)than that one. 2.They find these kinds of things extremely boring,and they will resist_____b(do)them again. 3.We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, rather_____divide us. 4.We have to pay the first $500 of medical_____(fee)for each member of the family. 5.So far,the organization_____(receive)private donations of about 1,000,000yuan. 6.When reading, Karen burst_____laughter at the good news, which appeals to her. 7.My parents thought it was_____(normal)for a boy to be interested in dressing. 8.He bought extra food in_____(anticipate)of more people coming than he had invited. 9.On_____(arrive)at the station,he found his wife waiting to meet him. 10.As a matter of fact, this is performed_____(transparent)to the users of application. V.单句写作 l.每次我们去看北极熊,我们都会提防牙疼的熊。(every time) _____, we will watch out for a bear with a toothache. 2.他是个很聪明的学生,能把所有的难题都解出来。(so…as to) He was_____be able to work out all the difficult problems. 3.人们普遍认为,利用每二个机会说英语可以提高你的学习效率。(It’s recognized that...) _____can improve your learning efficiency. 4. ... ...

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