
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading and Thinking教学设计

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:63次 大小:45761Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版Unit 2 Morals and Virtues --Reading and Thinking教学设计 Teaching procedure Step 1:Warming-up(5 minutes) Warming up by enjoying a video about Charity Day in China and Pay It Forward Day in the West and talk freely about how to show kindness to others( whole class work) Good morning, class. Today we will talk about the topic....Firstly, let us enjoy a video and then tell me how to show kindness to others. A touching and inspiring video. Class, tell me together how to show kindness to others. Yes, .... You know clearly the ways to help others with small kind acts. T:But suppose you were a driver, would you drive an old woman around the city for hours without charge I suppose we would hesitate about doing so for various reasons. After reading the warm story, I am sure that you will get a definite answer. "The ....". Before reading, I advise you to predict what the passage will tell us. Try to predict from the title and the picture. The boy, share your idea with us. Do you think so Class. Yes, let's read the passage to check if your prediction is right. Skim the passage to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Go ahead . Step 2: Fast Reading (6 minutes) Task 1: Predict what the passage will talk about. T: You should pay attention to the style of the passage. It is a narration. Task 2 : Find out the main idea of each part. part 1 (Para 1) Beginning: when and where part 2 (Para 2-16) Body : how the event developed part 3 (the last paragraph) Ending: the main point of the story T: Class, tell me your answers together. Now we have a general idea of the passage and its structure. Are you ready for more challenges Work in pairs to read carefully to get more details and finish the following questions. Step 3: Careful Reading (10 minutes) Task 3: When and where does this story happen From _____to the next morning, mostly in _____. Who are the main characters in the story _____. What are the main events in the story The taxi driver drives a woman _____, allowing her to see the places that she used to _____for the last time , before taking her _____. T: Volunteers. The boy, please. ..... You performed so well in the part. Now we know the content of the passage in detail. So what does the story want to tell us Go on reading to deeply understand the passage. T: Work in groups and discuss the questions. T: Which group likes to share ideas with us Yes, group one. Yes, well-done. From the passage ,we know that a small kindness can make a difference to others' life. Do you agree with group one Who have different opinions Yes, group four. I can't agree with you more. We also learn that ..... So class, I do hope that you will... Task 4 : Listen to the last paragraph ,translate and recite the last paragraph. What is the main point of the story Why will the writer never forget the taxi ride Step Five: Post Reading (5 minutes) T: You did a really good job. Now let's play a game to relax for a while. We will compete in groups. There are some mystery boxes for ... ...

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