
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Reading and Thinking 教学设计

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:22次 大小:68382Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计:选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Reading and Thinking: Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle Learning objectives: 1.To understand how a habit forms. 2.To use what you have learned to change bad habits and form good ones. 3.To master the structural characteristics of exposition.(说明文) Lead-in 1.Do you have some bad or unhealthy habits If so, what are they 2.Have you ever tried to change them Is it successful or not Prediction: Skim the title, the picture and predict. 1. What is the text type of this passage? A. Narration(记叙文) B. Exposition(说明文) C. Argumentation(议论文) 2. What is the text mainly about A. How teenagers make a choice. B. How teenagers feel relaxed. C. How teenagers change their bad habits. D. How teenagers become more independent. Fast --reading Match the main idea with each paragraph Para1 A.How to change a bad habit and create good ones Para2 B.The cycle of how habits are formed Para3 D.Changing habits gradually Para4 E.No easy way to change bad habits Para5 F.what a habit is Para 6 G.Why bad teenage habits should be changed Read for structure 1.How to change a bad habit and create good ones raise the problem 2.The cycle of how habits are formed analyze the Problem 3.Changing habits gradually 4.No easy way to change bad habits solve the Problem 5.what a habit is 6.Why bad teenage habits should be changed conclusion Read for details Para 1 Raise the problem 1.Why should bad teenage habits be changed 2. What should be done first to prevent the possible harmful effects caused by the bad habits A. Stay away from bad habits. B. Recognize bad habits. C. Think out ways to get rid of them. D. Change themselves. Para. 2 1.What characteristics does a habit have (cycle key words) 2.How does the author support his opinion 3.What is the function of the last sentence Para3 1.What are the three stages of habit cycle 2.Do you think the writer explains it clearly How Para 4 1.What is the first step to change a bad habit 2.What should we do to change a bad habit Give an example The habit cycle Bad habit New habit Cue feel unhappy Routine Reward happier but not healthy Para 5 1. To change a bad habit, we need_____ . A.time B.discipline C.repeated small steps D. all of above Para 6 1.What do “magic pill” and “delete button” refer to 2.What kind of attitude does the author hold to changing bad habits A.Negative. B. Sad. C. Doubtful. D . Positive. 3.Who are the intended readers of the passage Read for language features 1.There is a famous saying based on the philosopher Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do.” quotation 2.For example, we could try to replace a negative routine with something more positive. example 3.According to modern psychology, we must first learn about the “habit cycle”, which works like this: definition 4.However, there is no “magic pill” or delete button that will help you; metaphorchart Post-reading: group discussion Think of one bad habit and write down the cue, routine, and reward. Then come ... ...

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