ID: 20961813

外研版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Lessons in Life词汇过关练(含答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:77次 大小:29488B 来源:二一课件通
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Start out & Understanding ideas&Using language Translation (vocabulary and phrases) 1 possession 2 abnormal 3 phrase 4 fee 5 pessimistic 6 (使)虚弱 7 预期;预料 8 广泛流传的 9 承认,认可 10 合作,协作 11 university fee 12 (使)重聚 重点词汇拓展: 1 possession n. →n.(同) →v. 2 abnormal adj. →adj.(反) 3 pessimistic adj. →adj.(反) →adv. 4 weaken v. →v. →n. 5 anticipate v. →n. 6 recognition n. →v. →adj. 7 cooperate v. →n. 8 reunite v. →n. Developing ideas & Presenting ideas: Translation (vocabulary and phrases) 1 outstretched adj. 2 cram v. 3 vexed adj. 4 Madame n. 5 stroke v. 6 luxury n. 7 绝望 n. 8 本能地 adv. 9 倚,靠 v. 10 荒唐的,愚蠢的 adj. 11 透明的 adj. 12 纯净的,洁净的 adj. 重点词汇拓展: 1 luxury n. →adj. 2 instinctively adv. →adj. →n. 3 pure adj. →v. 4 vexed adj. →v. Exercises: 1. He will be reunited his family during the Spring Festival. 2. These baby pandas overseas are all in possession of our country China. 3. (pessimistic), we all think there is no good result in fencing race. 4. There is too much rain this summer. It’s an a phenomena. 5. China is recognized the world’s second largest economy. 6. The crying baby is reaching for her mother’s o hands. 7. She was leaning the bridge, watching the children swimming in the river. 8. Seeing the frightening scene, she screamed and ran backwards (instinctive). 9. It rained almost seven days in a row and many farmers were on the edge of d (绝望). 10. It was obvious that he couldn’t afford such a (luxury) car. 答案: Start out & Understanding ideas&Using language 1 possession 财产,财务 2 abnormal 不正常的,反常的 3 phrase 成语,习语,警句 4 fee 工作薪酬,服务费 5 pessimistic 悲观的,悲观主义的 6 (使)虚弱 weaken 7 预期;预料 anticipate 8 广泛流传的 widespread 9 承认,认可 recognition 10 合作,协作 cooperate 11 university fee 大学学费 12 (使)重聚 be reunited with 重点词汇拓展: 1 possession n. →n.(同) belongings →v. possess 2 abnormal adj. →adj.(反) normal 3 pessimistic adj. →adj.(反) optimistic →adv. pessimistically 4 weaken v. →adj. weak →n. weakness 5 anticipate v. →n. anticipation 6 recognition n. →v. recognize →adj. recognized 7 cooperate v. →n. cooperation 8 reunite v. →n. reunion Developing ideas & Presenting ideas: 1 outstretched adj. 张开的,伸开的 2 cram v. 挤满 3 vexed adj. 恼火的 4 Madame n. 夫人,太太,女士 5 stroke v. 轻抚,抚摸 6 luxury n. 奢侈,奢华 7 绝望 n. despair 8 本能地 adv. instinctively 9 倚,靠 v. lean 10 荒唐的,愚蠢的 adj. absurd 11 透明的 adj. transparent 12 纯净的,洁净的 adj. pure 重点词汇拓展: 1 luxury n. →adj. luxurious 2 instinctively adv. →adj. instinctive →n. instinct 3 pure adj. →v. purify 4 vexed adj. →v. vex Exercises: 1. with 2. the 3. Pessimistically 4. abnormal 5. as 6. outstretched 7. on 8. instinctively 9. despair 10. luxurious ... ...

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