
Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3 Section A 课件+音频(共25张PPT)仁爱版九年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:4982243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Topic 3 Seciton A The world has changed for the better What are your feelings beautiful rich 富有的 various What do you know about Ameica industry / nd stri/ 行业,工业 a developed country 发达国家 What do you know about Ameica artist / ɑ (r)t st/ 艺术家 a free country 自由国度 What do you know about New York Times Square 时代广场 Broadway / br dwe / 百老汇 What do you know about New York millions of(数以百万计) visitors visit here. / v z t (r)/ 游客 the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Central Park 中央公园 New words as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 block /blɑ k/ 街区 artist / ɑ (r)t st/ 艺术家 millions of 大量,数以百万的 visitor / v z t (r)/ 游客 industry / nd stri/ 行业,工业 chemistry / kem stri/ 化学 term /t rm/ 学期 What was New York like in the past What changes has it taken place In the past (What was it like ) Nowadays (What is it like ) a. the 1. _____ traffic was terrible and everyone drove too fast. b. the streets were 2. _____. c. it’s 3. _____ to live here. a. it’s a 4. _____ place to live. b. there are beautiful parks, good schools, famous museums and 5. _____ resturants. c. you can to to 6. _____, concerts and operas. wonderful dirty 1. 听前审题,2. 听中速记,3. 听后整理,检验! Listen to 1a, then finish the table. 听录音,完成表格。 local dangerous excellent plays 1. You have been in New York for a long time. 2. 如果你来的话,你很快就会习惯的。 3. They used to be, but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago. Key Points 划出下列句子,并翻译。C、D层笔记都要记! 标星星的第二天要背默! 你在纽约待了很长时间了。 You will get used to(习惯) it very soon if you come. 习惯做某事 get used to doing sth. 过去(used to do sth.过去常常做某事)是这样,自从几年前我来到这里,这个城市的面貌已经改善了很多。 4. As a matter of fact, it's a wonderful place to live. 5. You must come for a visit. 6. Then you can see New York yourself. Key Points 划出下列句子,并翻译。C、D层笔记都要记! 标星星的第二天要背默! 事实上(As a matter of fact),那是一个非常棒的居住地。 你一定要来看一看( come for a visit)(参观)。 你可以亲自看看(see...oneself)纽约。 阅读理解,判断正误。T or F。 1. Helen has been in New York for a long time.( ) 2. There are many excellent restaurants in New York.( ) 3. Bob doesn’t like New York at all.( ) 4. The streets were dirty in the past, but they aren’t at present. ( ) 5. You can go to plays, concerts and operas only at weekends.( ) 6. Bob invites Helen to see New York for herself.( ) (Helen and Bob are talkong on the phone.) H: ... have been in ... for ... How do you like ... B: ... great. ... really ... H: But I heard that ... terrible and ... too fast. B: Oh, ... get used to ... if you come. H: I also heard ... dirty. B: They used to be, but ... has improved ... since ... H: Isn’t it ... B: Well, it was ... but ... safe now. As a matter of fact, ... wonderful ..., Near... there are ... parks, ... school, ... museums and ... ... ...

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