
人教版九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section B3a-Self Check课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:96次 大小:3937289Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section B(3a-Self Check) 1.在语境中理解、识记并运用本单元单词、短语:unexpected, oversleep… 2.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材,完成一篇关于幸运日或 不幸日的短文。 3.能运用本单元词汇和句式谈论发生在过去的事,能客观地评 论所发生的事,理智地解决问题。 Do you remember the worst day of your life When I was a little child, I was playing with some other children near a river. Unluckily, I slipped down into the river, I was scared to death. It was the worst day of my life. Do you have this unlucky day When was your unlucky day What happened How did you feel then The lucky day in my life. When I was tired and desperate in the water, someone passed by. He saved my life, so I can be a teacher today. I’m thankful for him and the god. It must be the god who sent him to help me. Although it was the worst day of my life, it also was one of the luckiest day in my life. What’s the luckiest thing you’ve ever had When was your lucky day What happened How did you feel then Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself first. My name's Li Ming. I'm a student of Class One Grade Nine, Hongxing Middle School. Life is really full of the unexpected. It was yesterday morning that I received an e-mail. It said I won the prize of a new computer. I was so excited that I gave them a call as quickly as I could and did as they told. But two weeks later, I still haven't received the prize. By then I realized that I had been cheated. It made me really mad and angry. As students, what should we do when receiving the information like this I think we should firstly tell our teachers or parents about it. We can also report it to the police. We are sure the cheats will be punished one day. That's all. Thank you. Listen to Li Ming’s story and find out what happened to her. Activity 1 Was Li Ming lucky to won the prize What happened then What was the end of the story Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself first. My name's Li Ming. I'm a student of Class One Grade Nine, Hongxing Middle School. Life is really full of the unexpected. It was yesterday morning that I received an e-mail. It said I won the prize of a new computer. I was so excited that I gave them a call as quickly as I could and did as they told. But two weeks later, I still haven't received the prize. By then I realized that I had been cheated. It made me really mad and angry. As students, what should we do when receiving the information like this I think we should firstly tell our teachers or parents about it. We can also report it to the police. We are sure the cheats will be punished one day. That's all. Thank you. Read the story again and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Activity 2 Para.1: _____ Para.2: _____ Para.3: _____ Life is really full of the unexpected. Li Ming was cheated, which made her mad and angry. How did Li Ming feel and her advice for other students. Good morning, everyone! Let ... ...

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