
人教版八年级下册Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents Section A 3a-3c课件+音频(共23张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:92次 大小:22390947Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A (3a-3c) Contents 04 While-reading 05 Post-reading 01 Warm up 03 Pre-reading 02 Lead in 06 Homework Warm up What’s the relationship between them A mother and a daughter . Are they talking happily No. Instead,they are arguing. argue They can’t get on (well) with each other Lead in They need proper communication. She wants her daughter to do whatever she wants. the way of talking nervous Lead in Who will you ask for help when you have problems your parents your friends the expert your teachers a shool counselor (学校心理辅导员) Mr.Hunt Lead in Pre-reading 2.Who are they in the picture Maybe they are Sad and Thirteen’s parents. 3.What are they doing They are arguing with each other. 1.What can you know from the name “Sad and Thirteen”? He/She is 13 years old and feels sad. Prediction 1.The first letter is a/an . A. thank-you letter B. letter for help C. invitation letter 2.The second letter is from _____to _____ . 3. What’s the main idea of these two letters ( ) A. Parents often argue. B. A teenager’s problems and Robert Hunt’s advice. C. How to communicate with brother. Mr. Hunt Sad and Thirteen While-reading Fast reading Task1. Read the two letters quickly and finish the exercises. It must tells us the idea of the whole passage. 主旨大意题忌断章取义 Problems advice While-reading Fast reading Sad and Thirteen’s problem: _____ About his parents His parents _____ a lot and he doesn’t know what to do. About his elder brother 1.His elder brother is not _____ to him. 2.His elder brother_____ to let him_____. About his feeling He feels _____ and _____. While-reading Careful reading Task 2. Read the first letter carefully and complete the chart. He can’t get on with his family. fight nice refuses watch his favorite TV show lonely nervous Underline the advice Mr.Hunt gave. While-reading While-reading d. Why don’t you sit down and communicate with your brother e. You should explain that you don’t mind him watching TV all the time. b. If your parents have problems, you should offer to help. a. Why don’t you talk about these feelings with your family c. Maybe you could do more jobs so that they have more time for proper communication While-reading Why don’t you sit down and communicate with your brother You should explain that you don’t mind him watching TV all the time. If your parents have problems, you should offer to help. Why don’t you talk about these feelings with your family Maybe you could do more jobs so that they have more time for proper communication I can’t get on with my family. My parents fight a lot. My brother refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Problems Advice Read the letter again and analyze the sentence patterns. Why don’t you... If..., you should... Maybe you could... You should... While-reading 1.What does the underlined word“it”refer to ( ) A. His family B. A big,black cloud C.They figh ... ...

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