
Unit 6 lesson 33 The Fisherman and the Goldfish(Ⅰ) 课件(共25张PPT) 2024-2025学年冀教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:2536092Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 33: The Fisherman and the Goldfish (I) Unit 6 Movies and Theatre 单词: goldfish, wife, net, whatever, grey, marry, ours 短语: jump out, ask for, wish for, open... up 句子: (1)Waves can be heard in the background. (2)I will give you whatever you want. (3)It said it could give me whatever I wished for. (4)How did I marry such a fool! Learning Goals 1 能用英语流利地讲述电影,并扮演相关角色。 2 Free Talk Have you ever acted in a class or school play Have you read the story The Fisherman and the Goldfish Presentation Director:Brian Script:Steven, Jenny and Kim Characters:Fisherman—Danny, Fisherman’s Wife —Jenny, Goldfish— Kim Sound & Set:Brian, Kate and Danny Costumes:Kate and Steven Scene 1:On the Sea (A fisherman wearing a hat is fishing on the sea. Waves can be heard in the background.) Fisherman:I am a fisherman. My wife and I lead a poor life. (He pulls out his net and opens it up. A goldfish jumps out of the net.) Fisherman:Oh, a goldfish! Goldfish:Dear Mr. Fisherman, please let me go. I will give you whatever you want. Fisherman:Oh my God! A talking fish! Please go back to your family. I don’t want anything. (The goldfish swims back into the sea.) Scene 2:A Poor House (The fisherman’s wife, who has grey hair and old, dirty clothing, is sitting at the table. The fisherman walks in.) Fisherman:Can you believe it I caught a talking goldfish today. Wife:Really What did it say Fisherman:It asked me to let it go. It said it could give me whatever I wished for. Wife:What did you ask for Fisherman:I asked for nothing and let it go. Wife:How did I marry such a fool! Why didn’t you ask it for a new house Ours is so old. Fisherman:Don’t be angry, dear. I will ask for a house. Vocabulary goldfish n. 金鱼 wife n. 妻子 net n. 网;网络 whatever pron. 无论什么;不管什么; 任何(每样)事物 grey adj. & n. 灰色(的) marry v. 结婚;嫁;娶 ours pron. 我们的 jump out 跳出 ask for 要求 wish for 盼望 open... up 打开 Structures and Expressions Let’s do it! 1. Read the lesson and number the sentences in the correct order. The fisherman told his wife about catching a goldfish. A poor fisherman with a hat went out fishing. The wife wanted the fisherman to ask for a new house. The fisherman let the talking fish go. The fisherman caught a talking fish. 4 1 5 3 2 2. Complete the dialogue with the words or phrases in the box . A:This is a magic box. You can find _____ you want in it. B:Really Can I _____ it _____ now A:Sure. What do you _____ B:I wish a little dog would _____ out of the box. A:No problem. Wait and see! It’s time to witness a miracle. whatever wish for open...up jump whatever open up wish for jump 3. Choose a play and make a big poster for it. Try to make the poster attractive. Here is an example. A Dancing Dinosaur Director:Jenny Characters:Dancing Dinosaur—Danny, Dancing Coach—Brian Sound & Set:Steven Main Plot:This is a story about a di ... ...

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