

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:69次 大小:12908135Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版中考复习 八下Unit 9-10复习 目录 CONTENTS Vocabulary 01 02 Language point 03 Grammar 04 Phrase 05 Exercise Vocabulary 01 Vocabulary 01 照相机n. 印度的;印度人n./ adj. 搜查;搜索v./ n. 发明 v. 主要地 adv. 在......中 prep. 难以置信的adj. 围巾n. 羞耻;惭愧n. 厕所n. 地位低下的 adj. 数数 v. 和平的 adj. 拥有v. 世纪;百年n. 完美的 adj. 铁路 n. 在......对面 prep./ adj. 收集 v. 某种;某人(事) adj. 特别;尤其 adv. 德国人(的) adj./ n. 诚实的 adj. 童年 n. 省份 n. 真实的 adj. 考虑;注视 v. 仅仅;只adv. 现今;目前 adv. 记忆;回忆n. Phrase 02 Phrase 02 1.在大山里露营 2.amusement park 3.搭帐篷 4.go somewhere different 5.以如此迅猛的方式 6.lead to 7.鼓励某人做某事 8.learn about 9.社会团体 10.the tea art performances 11.四分之三 12.make a perfect cup of tea 13.一个讲英语的国家 14.a couple of times 15.做某事很困难 16.have a yard sale 17.不再 18.part with 19.带回甜蜜的回忆 20.search for 21.查看 22.across from 23.清理 24.as for 25.说实在的 26.according to 27.到目前为止 Language Point 03 Language Point 03 1. It’s really interesting, isn’t it 【解析】此句是反意疑问句,反意疑问句遵循_____的原则: He is a driver, _____ Your elder sister didn’t help him, _____ 注意: ①陈述句中有否定词few, little, never, no, hardly等时,后的疑问部分应该用肯定形式。 He can hardly swim, _____ _____ ②陈述句部分为there be句型时,疑问部分的主语为there。 There are some apples in the basket, _____ _____ ③反义疑问句的回答,按照事实来回答。 --He didn’t work hard, did he --_____. He always gets good grades. 前肯后否,前否后肯 isn't he did she can he aren't there Yes, he did. Language Point 03 2. On the other hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so it’s a good place to practice your English. 【解析】 (1)on the one hand...on the other hand..._____ (2)three quarters _____ 英语中分数的表达方式为分子用_____,分母用_____,分子大于一时,分母用_____; 分数做主语时,谓语动词的单复数要与_____的数保持一致。 one fourth = a quarter one third two thirds One fifth of the water_____(be) dirty. 一方面...另一方面... 四分之三 基数词 序数词 复数 被修饰的词 is Language Point 03 3. Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. 【解析】 (1)regard v. regard...with... 意思:对…...持某种态度 regard...as... 意思:_____ = consider /treat...as... I regard you as my best friend. (2)interest n. /v. have /take (an) interest in_____= be interested in_____ interested adj._____ interesting adj._____ The boy takes an interest in maths. 把...当作 对...感兴趣 对...感兴趣 感兴趣的 有趣的 Grammar 04 Grammar 04 现在完成时 一.构成:_____ 二.否定式:_____ 疑问式:_____ 三.用法: 1.现在完成时通常表示动作发生在_____,但强调对_____的影响。 标志词:_____ 2.动作发生在_____,但一直持续到_____,并有可能继续延续下去。 标志词:_____ have/ has done have/ has not done have/ has+主语+done+其他 ... ...

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