

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:51次 大小:17565206Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版中考复习 八下Unit 1-3复习 目录 CONTENTS Vocabulary 01 02 Language point 03 Grammar 04 Phrase 05 Exercise Vocabulary 01 Vocabulary 01 疼痛的;酸痛的adj. 重要性 n. 物主;主人 n. 躺下v. 意思是;打算 v. 征集;募集 v. (使)疼痛;受伤v. 勇气;意志 n. 满足;满意 n. 乘客 n. 死亡 n. 旅程;旅途 n. 击;打v. 护士 n. 修理;修补 v. 登山者 n. 义务做 v. 志愿者 n. 残疾的 adj. 情况n. 标志;信号 n. 瞎的 adj. 岩石n. 通知 n. 注意到 v. 聋的 adj. 刀子n. 几个;一些 pron. 困难;难题 n. 血 n. 强烈的 adj. 变化;改变 v./ n. 扔 v. 压力 n. 提供 v. 公正性 n. 既然;自从 conj./ prep. 邻居 n. 发展;长大 v. 聋的 adj. 零食 n. Phrase 02 Phrase 02 1.躺下来休息 2.(使)变高兴;振奋 3.call up 4.加蜂蜜的热茶 5.分发;散发 6.set up 7.量体温 8.想出;提出 9.make a difference 10.陷入麻烦 11.参加......选拔 12.倒垃圾 13.用完;用尽 14.put up 15.推迟;延迟做某事 16.掌管;管理 17.做出决定 18.与......相像;像 19.冒险 20.赠送;捐赠 21.in a difficult situation 22.放弃做某事 23.修理,修补;解决 24.提供给某人某物 25.打扫地板 26.in a mess Language Point 03 Language Point 03 1. What’s the matter with you What’s the matter with... 意为_____。 =_____=_____=_____ What’s_____with you A. trouble B. the matter C. the wrong D. matter 注意:这几个句子在宾语从句中不需要变化语序。 I wonder what’s the matter with you. It doesn’t matter.可以用于回答_____。 某人怎么了 What's the trouble with... What's wrong with... What happened to... B 道歉 Language Point 03 2. have a/an+疾病名词表示_____ 喉咙痛_____ 背痛_____ 发烧_____ 感冒_____ 胃痛_____ 牙痛_____ 头痛_____ 患......病 have a sore throat have a sore back have a fever have a cold have a stomachache have a toothache have a heaache Language Point 03 3. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. run out/run out of辨析: (1)run out vi.主语是物,无被动 My money ran out. (2)run out of vt.主语是人或物,有被动 I ran out of my money. = _____ --Will you lend me some paper --Sorry. Mine_____. A. ran out of B. was run out of C. was run out D. were run out My money was run out of by me. B Grammar 04 Grammar 04 What’s the matter with you What’s the matter with... 意为_____。 =_____=_____=_____ have a/an+疾病名词表示_____ 喉咙痛_____ 背痛_____ 发烧_____ 感冒_____ 胃痛_____ 牙痛_____ 头痛_____ 某人怎么了 What's the trouble with... What's wrong with... What happened to... 患......病 have a sore throat have a sore back have a fever have a cold have a stomachache have a toothache have a heaache Exercise 05 Exercise 05 1. Seeing their teacher_____into the classroom, they stopped_____at once. A. walk; telling B. entering; to speak C. enter; to tell D. walking; talking 2. --How do you like western food --Well, it’s not bad. Now I_____sandwiches. A. am used to est B. am used for eating C. am used to eating D. used to eat 3. Mr. White_____lots of money to the people in the earthquake area_____. A. put out; to work out well B. handed out; help them out C. gave out; ... ...

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