ID: 20990822

2025届高三英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 2 Lessons in Life 一轮复习基础知识自测自评(含答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:75次 大小:39494B 来源:二一课件通
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( 2025届一轮总复习新外研版高中英语选择性必修四 ) ( Book 7 Unit 2 Lessons in Life 基础知识自测自评 ) L.词语释义 1.pessimistic adj. 2.outstretched adj. 3.cram v. 4.transparent adj. 5.vexed adj. 6.absurd adj. 71ean y 8.Madame n. 9.stroke v. 10.instinctively adv. 11.despair n. I.核心词汇 1 adj.广泛流传的 2. n.成语,习语;警句 3 n.工作酬金,服务费 4. adj.纯净的,洁净的 5. n.奢华,奢侈 JL.拓展词汇 1.weak adj.虚 弱 的 ; 无 力 的 ; 不 牢 固 的 → v.(使)虚弱 → n. 弱点:软弱 2.anticipate vt.预期,预料→ n.预期,预料,期望 3.possess vt.拥有,具有;支配→ n.财产,财物 4.normal adj.正 常 的 → ady. 正 常 地 ( 反 义 词 ) → adj.不正常的,反常的 5.recognize vt.认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)认可,承认 → n. 承认,认可 6.cooperate vt.合 作 , 协 作 → n.合 作 , 协 作 → 1 ad.合作的;协作的 IV.重点短语 1. (使)重聚 2. 观点 3. 分心;转移(注意力) 4. 与…失去联系 5 与…保持联系 6 过得很充实 7. 冲进,冲入 8 前往,走上去 9 突然发生;突然…起来 10 塞满;充满 V. 佳句背诵 根据提示完成下列句子并背诵 1.Indeed, that this book is filled with joy and hope. 实际上,你会惊喜地发现书里充满了欢乐和希望。 2.In fact, about's a book about life. 实际上,这根木不是一木关于死亡的书,而是一本关于生活的书。 3.I think it's important for young people to know that Or that ——— 我试为对于年轻人来说,重要的是明白赚很多钱并不总能带来快乐,看上去与众不同并不代 表不正常。 4. what is important in our lives and establish our own values. 我们应该靠自己去弄清楚生命中什么才是重要的,并树立我们自己的价值观。 5.He is the majority of men. 他和大多数人一样都不可笑。 6.If any of you should find him, to us 2 你们若是有谁找到了它,能请你们把它归还给我们吗 MI.自测自评 I.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.One should never make public property one's private .We should what we want by working hard.(possess) 2.He bought extra food in (anticipate)of more people coming than he had invited. 3.My goal is to help my students develop awareness o f their strengths, (weak),and learning needs,and to enable them to learn throughout their lives. 4.I was delighted to receive such a respected award in (recognize)of our company's achievements. 5.During the past decade,a series of (normal)variations occurred in the Arctic ocean,which attracted statistician's attention. Ⅱ.在空白处填入一个适当的词 1.Jack suddenly fell down when he rushed the classroom. 2.Since you know that there is no point in complaining,why don't you live life the full 3.It was twenty years later that the lost boy was reunited his parents finally and the parents were very excited to see their son. 4.We lost touch him last year,but we had kept touch with each other for ten years before. 5.In an era of information explosion,people can easily get distracted irrelevant information Ⅲ.课文佳句仿写 1.这个方法被认为是非常高效的,由他来决定是否采用它。 The method is thought to be efficient and whether to use it or not 2.他的英语很差,他的语文比他的英语也好不到哪儿去。 His English is weak and 3.我们非常荣幸能与来自英国的朋友们分享这一时刻。 3 our friends from Britain ... ...

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