
新人教2024版七上Unit 2 We're Family!单词精讲趣味课件

日期:2024-09-10 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:15次 大小:21110100Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) (新人教版)七年级 上 词汇精讲 We’re family! Unit2 /mi n/ v. 意思是;打算 What does family mean to you 家庭对你意味着什么? 搭配:mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 Being kind means . 善良意味着帮助他人。 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 We today. 我们今天打算打网球。 helping others. mean to play tennis meaning n.意思 What ‘s the true (mean)of this word 这个词的真实意义是什么? meaningful adj.有意义的--meaningless adj.无意义的 This TV show is to me.I can learn a lot from it. 这个电视节目很有意义,我能从中学习很多。 Without love, life becomes . 没有爱,生活就失去了意义。 meaning meaningful meaningless /'h zb nd/ n. 丈夫 拓展:wife/ wa f /n.妻子 他们是夫妻吗? Are they husband and wife /b t/ n. 球棒;球拍 baseball bat 网球拍 ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 Oh, are nice. 哦,这些乒乓球拍真不错。 拓展:play ping-pong 打乒乓球 My brother and I often play ping-pong after school. 放学后,我和我哥哥经常打乒乓球。 these ping-pong bats / evri de / 每天 We . 我们每天都打乒乓球。 辨析:every day与everyday everyday作形容词,表示每天的,或日常的 a cup of coffee. 我的日常生活从一杯咖啡开始。 every day是副词,表示每一天 She . 她天天走路上学。 play ping-pong every day My everyday life starts with walks to school every day /t 'ɡe (r)/ adv. 在一起;共同 Do you often 你们经常一起打乒乓球吗? get together相聚 ; 集合 ; 聚集 Our family gets together every Sunday for dinner. 我们家人每周日都聚在一起吃晚饭。 play ping-pong together / f r d/ 钓竿 Whose fishing rods are those 那是谁的鱼竿? /spend/ v. 花(时间、钱等) How do you spend your weekends 你周末怎么度过的? sb spends time (money) on sth. 花费时间/金钱在某物上 sb spends time (money)(in)doing sth.(动词要用动词-ing形式,介词in可以省略) We spend a lot of money every month. 我们每个月都买很多书。 She spends an hour every day. 她每天花一个小时弹吉他。 on books / (in) buying books on the guitar/ (in) playing the guitar / l t v / 大量,许多 My father . 我爸爸花很多时间钓鱼。 She at school. 她在学校交了许多朋友。 可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词 spends a lot of time/lots of time fishing makes a lot of friends 修饰不可数名词时相当于much / l ts v / 修饰可数名词时相当于many /'ri li/ adv. 非常;确实;真正地 She can . 她弹钢琴真的很棒。 The weather is today. 今天天气真的很好。 词形变换real/ ri l / adj. 真实的;真的 Are those real flowers 那些是真花吗? This is a story. He enjoys reading. play the piano really well really nice real really / memb (r)/ n. 成员;会员 He is a new member of our class. 他是我们班的新成员。 He is and plays the guitar. 他是乐队的成员,弹吉他。 a member of the band / k't v t / n. 活动 复数activities My favorite after-school activities are reading and playing the piano. 我最喜欢的课后活动是阅读和弹钢琴。 /t es/ n. 国际象棋 play chess 下棋 The two old men in the park. 这两个老人每天在公园里下象棋。 Chinese chess 中国象棋 I love to with my grandfather on weekends. 我喜欢在周末和爷爷一起下中国象棋。 play chess every day play Chinese chess / ɡr npe r nt/ n. 祖父(母 ... ...

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