
牛津译林版(2024年)七年级上册Unit 8 Let's celebrate! A ssessmentn&Further study 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:44431Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025学年七年级英语上册牛津译林版(2024年) Unit 8 Assessment&Further study 一、单词拼写 1.I find it interesting to go mountain _____ (climb). 2.I will go to visit Guilin to enjoy the _____ (nature) beauty this summer vacation. 3.I live on the _____ (nine) floor of the building. 4.My parents often tell me to respect the _____ (elder). 5.They are _____ (prepare) for the coming Children’s Day. 6.My mum is interested in growing _____ (difference) kinds of flowers. 7.Thanks a lot for _____ (show) us around the museum. 8._____ (thousand) of visitors visited Forest Park overwater last week. 9.You can use the paper _____ (make) a plane. 10.People always use the phrase “Best _____ (wish)” at the end of their letters. 二、完成句子 11.事实上,她不是一名学生,而是一位教师。 _____ _____, she is not a student but a teacher. 12.你可以在图书馆借到各种各样的书。 You can _____ _____ _____ of books _____ the library. 13.他经常在图书馆里读书度过周末。 He often _____ his weekends _____ in the library. 14.我的父母非常关心我的学习。 My parents_____ _____ my study a lot. 15.那本特别的杂志相当大。 That_____ _____ is _____ _____. 16.你还喜欢做别的什么事吗? _____ _____do you like to do 17.马拉松是这个城市的一件大事。 The marathon is a _____ _____ in this city. 三、阅读理解 Interesting Festivals in the World Throwing Tomatoes—Spain Spain takes the “tomato fight” to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August. Trucks carry tomatoes to the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them at the crowd. Rolling Cheese—England This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place on Cooper’s Hill. A large wheel of cheese is rolled down Cooper’s Hill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finishing line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. Burning Man—The United States The Burning Man Festival lasts eight days. It is around Labor Day to Labor Day (which falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture (雕像) of a man. Pouring Water—Thailand The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Year from 13th April to 15th April. The Thai people run after each other, pouring water. The festival is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land. 18.Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in August A.Spain. B.England. C.Thailand. 19.Which activity is held on Cooper’s Hill A.Throwing tomatoes. B.Rolling cheese. C.Pouring water. 20.How long does the Burning Man Festival last A.For four days. B.For six days. C.For eight days. 21.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A. ... ...

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