
人教版(2024)七年级上册 Starter Unit 3 提升练习(无答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:16331Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版(2024)七年级 Starter Unit 3 提升练习 一、单项选择 1.选出一个发音与其他三个不同的选项( ) A.add B.catch C.organize D.glad 2.选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同类的一项。 A.clock B.those C.home 3.—This is a photo. Look! _____ are my younger brother and sister, Paul and Mary. —How cute they are! A.This B.These C.It D.That 4.—Can your daughter _____ from 1 to 100 —Yes. She began to learn to say the numbers at the age of one. A.count B.hear C.guess 5.The South China tiger (华南虎) is an endangered (濒危的) _____. We need to protect (保护) them. A.fruit B.animal C.Plant 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.新开的超市卖各种各样的食物。 The new supermarket sells many food. 2.托尼通常走路去他的叔叔家。 Tony usually walks to . --你在山上看到多少只羊 -我看到 17 只。 -How many do you see on the hill -I see . 4.看那棵大树。海伦在它下面。 the big tree. Helen is it 5.这是埃拉叔叔的农场。 This is Ella's . 三、对话理解 Amy: Hi, John. Welcome to my farm. 1 these green beans. John: Are they long Amy: Yes, they are. John: What are those animals under the tree Amy: They' re 2 . John: What colour are they Amy: They' re yellow and white. How many hens can you see John: Let me 3 . One, two... ten. Amy: What else can you see on the farm John: I can see some rabbits and cows. You do have a lot of 4 ! ( )1. A. Look up B. Look at C. Look for D. Look after ( )2. A. carrots B. apples C. flowers D. ducks ( )3. A. think B. wait C. spell D. count ( )4. A. animals B. fun C. hobbies D. friends 四、完形填空 Little Mary’s grandparents have a farm. On the farm there are many kinds of 1 , such as cows, dogs and cats. She likes to 2 with them because they can make her happy. On the farm there is also a little 3 . It has no mother. And it never plays 4 other animals. It often walks around by itself. Mary thinks this is why she loves it so much. Many times, Mary 5 the elephant she is sorry for the death(死亡)of its mother. She loves talking with it and the elephant becomes 6 to Mary. When it 7 Mary on the farm, it runs up to her like a little dog. Sometimes it follows her into a wood(树林). There Mary sits on the ground and 8 a book; the little elephant stands by Mary. Her grandfather often asks her, “Why does the elephant like you so much ” “Oh, 9 I love it, Grandpa.” Mary answers. Grandpa thinks Mary is 10 . Animals are our friends. We should love them. 1.A.fruits B.trees C.animals D.flowers 2.A.play chess B.make friends C.eat out D.turn right 3.A.giraffe B.dog C.cow D.elephant 4.A.with B.to C.for D.about 5.A.asks B.tells C.rides D.wears 6.A.afraid B.interesting C.friendly D.boring 7.A.sees B.see C.saw D.will see 8.A.sells B.buys C.wants D.reads 9.A.but B.or C.because D.so 10.A.funny B.right C.young D.busy ... ...

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