
Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.单元复习课 课件(共17张PPT) 人教版八年级英语下册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:48次 大小:1608192Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 错题录 1. My father always      (tell) me why to help the others. 2. On Monday Three _____ (Japan) made a plan together . 3. Judy was doing some dishes while the daughter _____ (cry). 4. I knew my brother loved _____ (watch) NBA. 5. Today my friends and I picked _____ unusual backpack . 6. In all of us , Tom likes playing mobile games _____ (well) . 7. Lily isn’t at home . I guess she _____ (go ) to her aunt’s home. 8. They _____ (not have) been to the Ningbo museum yet. 9. _____(三分之二)of information_____ (be) useless. tells an Japanese best watching /to watch has gone was crying haven’t Two thirds is 词型变换 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. Topics Words & Phrases Grammar Focus Living environment 生活环境 memory; certain; truthful;honest; century;consider... check out; yard sale; raise money for; to be honest… 含有for/since /before…结构的现在完成时 Key points 动词,时态 和时间的一致性 单元视角 话题:Living environment (生活环境) 功能:Talk about possessions and things around us (谈论个人的物与事) 话题梳理 A:I ’ve had this bike for three years. A:I ’ ve had it for a long time but it still works. 现在完成时 since /… 一个句子 动词的时态和时间的一致性 时间短语 现在时态 ‘ve ‘s B:Great. 名词,宾语 缩写形式 一段时间 后跟时间点 介词 since 5 minutes ago . 代词,主语 “拥有” , 实义动词 since she came in . 助动词 思维碰撞 1.certain adj.某种;某事;某人→ _____ adv.当然;确定;无疑 2.memory n.记忆;回忆→ _____ v.记忆;记住 3.make v.生产;制造→  _____     n.生产者;制订者 4.honest adj.诚实的;老实的→_____(反义词)不诚实的→ _____     n.诚实 5.clear v.清理;清除→ _____adj.清楚易懂的;晴朗的→ _____      adv.清晰地;清楚地 6.true adj.真的;符合事实的→_____ adj.诚实的;真实的→_____    n.事实;实情 7.own v.拥有;有→_____ n.物主;所有者 8.especial adj.特别的→      adv.尤其;特别;格外 9.hold v.拥有;抓住→    (过去式)→    (过去分词) certainly memorize maker dishonest honesty clear clearly truthful truth especially held held owner 词型变换 重点短语 (1)察看;观察_____ (2)使回忆起,使想起_____ (3)赠送_____ (4)清理;丢掉_____ (5)不再;不复_____ (6)至于;关于_____ (7)说实在的_____ (8)一会儿_____  check out   bring back   give away   clear out   no longer   to be honest   for a while   as for  记一记 重点短语 (9)把……视为……_____ (10)依据;按照_____ (11)保持不变_____ (12) 注视;仔细考虑 (做)某事_____ (13)在……对面_____ (14)在某人看来 _____ (15)在某人心目中_____ (16)为……筹钱_____ raise money for   in one’s heart  in one’s opinion   across from   consider doing sth.   regard…as…   according to   stay the same  记一记 温故知新 特殊问句 对程度或频度提问的用法区别 提醒 完成时态中对“多久”的提问 —_____ ____ have you worked in Ningbo 你在宁波工作多久了? —For ten years. 十年了。 How long 突破 特殊问句 1. —_____ _____ will Mr.Liu be back 刘先生多久以后回来? —In two hours. 两小时以后。 2. ... ...

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