
2025届高考英语专项复习 九大成分之主语 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:49次 大小:304784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 九大成分之主语 导入 主语:1.什么人,什么事,什么物 2.动作或者状态的发出者 3.(除倒装句外,谓语动词前面的成分就是主语) 定义 主语都是哪些词呢? 主语 1.The book is yours. 2.Tomorrow is another day. 3.Failure is the mother of success. 1.名词做主语. 时间 状态 2.代词做主语 1.He is my boss. 2.They are my best friends. 3.She can teach you English. 主语 时间 状态 3.数词做主语 1.Three plus five is eight. 2.Eight minus one is seven. 3.Twenty multiplied by five equals one hundred. 主语 时间 状态 4.动名词做主语 1.Playing basketball is my favorite hobby. 2.Kissing is a way to express love. 3.Jumping from the building is a difficult thing. 主语 时间 状态 5.To do做主语 1.To love is to forgive. 2.To work hard is important. 主语 时间 状态 6.名词化的形容词做主语/the +adj 1.The young should respect the old. 2.The deaf turned a blind eye to the issue. 主语 时间 状态 7.It做形式主语 1.It is so nice of you to accompany me. 2.It is very important to develop the critical thinking inside our mind. 主语 时间 状态 8.从句做主语-主语从句 1.What struck me most was her beautiful voice. 2.What you love is not what I love. 主语 主语的判定 时间 状态 核心要领 除倒装句外,谓语动词前面的成分就是主语。 主语 时间 状态 怎么判定什么是主语呢? 1.把一句完整的话用()括起来 2.找出谓语动词--(能看出时态语态的) 3.画出谓语动词前面的全部内容就是主语 主语 实战--找出文章的主语 时间 状态 In the rhythm of school life, it's essential to stay active. I propose a fun and effective activity: Jumping Jacks. This simple exercise involves jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead, then returning to a pose with the feet together and the arms at the sides. Jumping Jacks are a fantastic way to get the heart pumping and the muscles moving. They require no equipment, can be done in a small space, and are excellent for boosting energy and concentration. So, let's all stand up and add some Jumping Jacks to our break times for a healthier, more active school day! 找出主语 Stand Up and Exercise, Everybody 时间 状态 In the rhythm of school life, it's essential to stay active. I propose a fun and effective activity: Jumping Jacks. This simple exercise involves jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead, then returning to a pose with the feet together and the arms at the sides. Jumping Jacks are a fantastic way to get the heart pumping and the muscles moving. They require no equipment, can be done in a small space, and are excellent for boosting energy and concentration. So, let's all stand up and add some Jumping Jacks to our break times for a healthier, more active school day! 找出主语 Stand Up and Exercise, Everybody 课后练习 时间 状态 找出主语 What comes into your mind when you think of British food Probably fish and chips, or a Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables. But is British food really so uninteresting Even though Britain has a reputation for less-than-impressive cuis ... ...

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