

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:16次 大小:2164414Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考英语复习   基础词法之名词、形容词和副词、数词 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副 词的比较 等级及其他 数词 其他→名 其他→形/副 2023 新Ⅰ 56.tasty 64.rarely 新 Ⅱ 61.interviews 56.arrival 57.confident 63.Basically 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副 词的比较 等级及其他 数词 2023 甲 69.warning 67.Different 62.sixth 乙 64.wonders 69.remarkable 2022 新Ⅰ 62.populations 63.eventually 新 Ⅱ 64.son’s 58.asleep 60.accidentally 甲 65.protection 66.meaningful 68.highest 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副词的比较等级及其他 数词 2022 乙 65.responsibility 64.largest 浙 江 58.photographer 64.independence 60.existing 61.sighted 2021 新Ⅰ 57.humans 58.undoubtedly 60.astonished 59.hotter(the+比较级,the+比较级) 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副 词的比较 等级及其他 数词 2021 新Ⅱ 64.representative 61.harmful 62.excited 56.seventh 甲 69.watchtowers 70.daily 65.better 乙 69.Activities 62.development 61.educated 68.financial 浙江 58.marriage 59.smaller 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副 词的比较 等级及其他 数词 2020 新Ⅰ 64.accuracy 56.wealthy 新Ⅱ 59.professions 58.requirement 57.educational Ⅰ 64.interest(interesting) 62.extremely 69.much(how much) 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副词 的比较等级及 其他 数词 2020 Ⅱ 61.celebration 66.Certainly 69.beautiful Ⅲ 64.curiosity 68.gently 62.finest 浙 江 62.seasons 卷别 名词的数和格 词性转换 形容词和副词 的比较等级及 其他 数词 2019 Ⅰ 66.belief 62.poorly 68.higher Ⅱ 63.finally 70.wonderful Ⅲ petition 67.traditional 68.hugely 61.so(so...that...) 浙 江 64.connection(s) 60.easily 65.traditional 考向1 名词的数和格               [全国卷5年8考] 1. [2023新高考Ⅱ,61]They also need to be ready to give (interview) in English with international journalists. 2. [2022新高考Ⅱ,64]"He saved my (son) life," said Mrs. Brown. interviews  son’s    1. 考查名词的数时,通常根据名词是否可数以及空前的修饰词判断;   2. 高考对名词所有格的考查相对较少,需判断空处与空后名词是否为所属 关系。 1. [2023 全国乙,64]But for all its ancient buildings, Beijing is also a place that/which welcomes the fast-paced development of modern life, with 21st-century architectural (wonder) standing side by side with historical buildings of the past. 2. [2023 浙江1月,64]Thanks to Beijing’s long history as the capital of China, almost every hutong has its stories, and some are even associated with historic (event) . wonders  events  3. [2021新高考Ⅰ,57]The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we (human) are. 4. [2021全国甲,69]Supposedly you can do it in two hours, but we stopped at the different gates and (watchtower) to take pictures... 5. [2021全国乙,69] (activity) there range from whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aim to have a low impact on the natural environment. 6. [2021北京,11]Why do we dream? Scientists aren’t completely sure, and they have diverse (idea). humans  watch ... ...

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