
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section B 3a-Self Check课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:2318860Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. To learn to write a passage about your lucky or unlucky day. To finish Self Check. Time Place Trick Result On _____ _____ In England There would be _____. All of the spaghetti was _____. On _____ _____ In _____ The special water would help people _____. More than 10,000 people _____. On April Fool’s Day A famous TV star asked his girlfriend _____. The TV star lost _____ _____. In _____, 1983 In _____ _____ landed on the earth. Thousands of people _____ _____. Fool’s Day April no more spaghetti sold out Fool’s Day April England lose weight phoned the TV station to get the water October America to marry him his Aliens had left their homes girlfriend and his show Try to retell the four stories (2b) with the help of the table. Can you remember a lucky or an unlucky day What happened Make some notes about what you remember. What was the date What happened first Was this lucky or unlucky Why What happened next How did the day end How did you feel about this day Write a story about your lucky or unlucky day and tell your story to a partner or the class. My lucky/unlucky day I will always remember the date… This was the luckiest/unluckiest day of my life… When I woke up that morning… Later that day,… I couldn’t believe… Then/After that,… Finally,… I think… What a lucky/ an unlucky day! TIPS 内容:记叙幸运或不幸的一天 文体:记叙文 时态:以一般过去时为主 人称:以第一人称为主 幸运的事件 不幸的事件 相关表达 narrowly win a(n) ... competition / game / show narrowly lose a(n) ... competition / game / show * (not) practice hard, make sure that I have all my equipment ready, (not) get enough sleep the night before, (not) keep calm / my cool * be good at / do well in, have a talent for * too nervous / worried / afraid to ..., angry / mad, sad, upset, embarrassed happy / glad / pleased, confident (自信的), brave, relaxed * winner, loser 幸运的事件 不幸的事件 相关表达 catch the last bus miss the last bus * get caught in rush-hour traffic, be stuck in heavy traffic, be hurt / injured (受伤的) in a traffic accident the alarm (clock) doesn’t go off, forget to set my alarm, oversleep rain / snow heavily, wind blows strongly see me on the street and give me a lift * rush out of the door, run quickly / fast to catch the bus, be out of breath (上气不接下气) after my run 幸运的事件 不幸的事件 相关表达 find the lost things lose things * look for it everywhere, ask ... about my ... , give it back to me * worried, sad, excited, my eyes fill with tears (泪水) 1. It was the (un)luckiest day of my life! 2. You can’t imagine how ... I was. 3. I was so ... that ... 4. I couldn’t believe that ... 5. What’s more, I even ... 6. After the competition / game / show, I learned / realized that ... 7. What good / bad luck! 8. How lucky / unlucky I was! My lucky day I will always remember the date February 28, 2014. This was the luckiest day of my life. When I woke up tha ... ...

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