
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B 3a-Self Check课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:2921670Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 1. To think of and talk about some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad 2. To review key vocabularies and functions in this unit by finishing Self Check 翻译下列短语。 1. 使……失望 2. 开除 3. 而不是 4. 齐心协力 5. 在肩上 6. 停止做某事 7. 敲门 8. 与……交流 9. 向……学习 10. 继续做某事 let… down kick sb. off rather than pull together on one’s shoulder stop doing sth. knock on the door communicate with learn from continue to do sth. Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you. winning/ losing a competition getting good/ bad grades on an exam performing something well/ badly in front of a big group of people getting into a fight with your best friend your first trip outside your hometown Winning a competition always makes me happy. Losing a competition always makes me sad. Recall the passage in 2b. Peter’s soccer team lost the game. Peter felt sad, angry and worried. Peter got his father’s advice. Peter thought carefully and felt less worried. Peter’s teammates agreed to pull together. Peter felt lucky and happy. 本文按照什么样的逻辑线索来讲述别人的经历? 叙述自己或别人的经历时,一般用什么时态? Write a story similar to the one in 2b using your notes in 3a. In your story, try to explain the following: What happened When did it happen Where did it happen How did it make you feel Why What did you learn from the experience 内容:一次难忘的经历 文体:记叙文 人称:以第一人称和第三人称为主 时态:以一般过去时为主 1. What makes me unforgettable is ... 2. This experience taught / showed me that ... 3. From the experience, I learned that ... 4. It helps me realize / understand that ... 5. The more ... the more .. 【提供素材】 What offering help to / giving a helping hand to others, getting good grades in an exam, (1)_____(取得进步) in learning English, being praised by teachers, cooking / doing volunteer work / taking a trip outside my hometown for the first time ... (2)_____(输掉一次比赛), failing to get good grades, getting into a fight / arguing with loved ones, getting punished for sth. ... making progress losing a game / competition How be / feel excited / glad / happy / overjoyed, jump up and down with joy, be in a good mood (心情), be over the moon (兴高采烈), make one's day ... be / feel sad / (3)_____(沮丧的) / blue / unhappy, feel a bit low, feel down in the dumps (情绪低落) ... upset / disappointed Why / What did you learn experience happiness by helping others, provide a sense of purpose, have higher self-esteem (自尊心), inspire (激励) / (4)_____(鼓励某人继续刻苦学习), share the happy moment (时刻) with sb., broaden one's horizon (开阔眼界), create unforgettable memories, gain (获得) new skills, provide an excellent developmental activity for children ... learn to work together, (5)_____(从错误中学习), work harder, care about each other, put yoursel ... ...

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