
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B 2a-2e课件(共37张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:91次 大小:10514890Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 1. To read the story and understand Peter’s experience after he lost a game 2. To learn some new words, phrases and idioms 3. To have an optimistic attitude towards failure or disappointment Fill in the blanks according to the conversation in 1c. The general searched and searched, but he found that everyone _____, and no one was truly happy. Two days later, he saw a poor man eating with his hands and _____ on the street. And the man told the general that he was really happy and his song came from _____. had their own problems singing happily the happiness in his heart Although he had no power, money or fame, he had everything he wanted, and he didn’t want _____. The general thought this man was the one he was looking for, so he asked the man for his shirt. But the man said he _____. what he couldn’t have didn’t own any shirts Have you ever made a mistake How did it make you feel Talk to your partner about what happened. In the English exam last week, I was so nervous that I made a spelling mistake. It made me feel very angry with myself. When I make a mistake, I may feel _____ unhappy angry uncomfortable worried … The things you can do if you make a mistake: If possible, come up with a plan to solve the problem. Apologize (道歉) to those affected. Find some happy things to let you release (释放) from bad emotions (情绪). 1. What can you see in the picture 2. What may the passage talk about A soccer ball team. It may talk about the soccer ball team’s winning. Read the title and look at the picture. Then answer the questions below. The Winning Team n. 重量,分量 n. 肩,肩膀 n. 球门,射门,目标 let …down 使失望 n. 教练,私人教师 kick sb. off 开除某人 be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻 adv. 而且 n. 同队队员,队友 n. 勇气,勇敢 rather than 而不是 n. 家伙,伙计们 pull together 齐心协力 n. 轻松,解脱 nod v. 点头 n. 一致,同意 n. 过失,缺点 Before reading the passage, read the following statements and try to order the events according to your understanding. ____ Peter got home and went into his room. ____ Peter talked to his teammates. ____ Peter missed a goal. ____ Peter’s father gave him advice. ____ Peter realized that he was worried for no reason. Read the story and tell the main idea of it. The story tells us that Peter’s team lost the soccer game and Peter thought it was his fault. But after a talk with his father, he learned that winning or losing is only half the game. To win the game, every one of the team should pull together. Read the story and number the events in the correct order. ____ Peter got home and went into his room. ____ Peter talked to his teammates. ____ Peter missed a goal. ____ Peter’s father gave him advice. ____ Peter realized that he was worried for no reason. 1 2 3 4 5 1. Why did Peter feel angry and worried Read the story again and answer the questions. He was angry with himself for missing an important goal and letting his tea ... ...

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